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Everything posted by Whatsmelogin

  1. This reminds me of waiting at the barrier for Arctic Monkeys at one stage whilst watching the screen of Lorde behind me
  2. I’m going to post the lamest question of all time here, be warned. How.. do people stay up until 2/3/4am to see acts? This ain’t my first rodeo by far, I’ve been doing festivals across Europe since I was a teen. However I always end up missing acts I wanted to see because I’m like a zombie by 1am. Entertain me with your steps for keeping the energy up (that aren’t drug related lol)
  3. Take Impala Gorillaz DIIV PArquet Courts Idles
  4. In the current climate, I tend to welcome strict security… (Sorry about your hairbrush tho hahah)
  5. Sometimes I think I’m old and then I see a statement like that. (Kidding)
  6. I reckon timetables Thursday. I have the feeling they’ll keep strictly to the “2 weeks before” line they keep giving
  7. There’s 2 new omicron variants! Hopefully just early panic tho
  8. New fear unlocked: getting Omicron 2.0 just before primavera. I mean I had covid (asymptomatic) in March but I don’t trust this pesky virus one bit.
  9. So I just sat down and wrote out all of the weekend 1 acts I want to see (pending inevitable clashes) and I’ve realised the lineup is SO. PACKED?? I know we’ve had cancellations but wow
  10. The vast majority of festivals haven’t allowed you to bring in your own bottles for many many years.
  11. Slightly off topic… but Arcade Fire tour tickets are €80?! Is this a joke?! edit: not being a tightarse, just feel the band have lost touch with reality a bit
  12. Ooh I actually like this. There’s life in arcade fire yet. (albeit not showing through original content 😕 )
  13. Not to be smug but I actually found the ticket registration process suspiciously easy and now I’m afraid I’ve done it wrong -.-
  14. Do the clashfinders up right now hold any weight or are they pure speculation?
  15. Adding to this that in 2018 I got 5 cans of beer in haha
  16. Plus throwing it at the stage is prevented is a big reason
  17. Noticed this yesterday! Definitely something happening.
  18. To add to this - many new timers of the festival find it hard to get their head around the city gigs. It really is a format unique to PS.
  19. the free serotonin from this post was needed
  20. God I’d love to see hot chip appear
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