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Posts posted by Claire0406

  1. 6 hours ago, Andy0808 v5 said:

    I have a code for tomorrow 2pm BST that somebody can have if they want, I caught most of what I wanted to see this evening, I’m working during the stream tomorrow so rather it didn’t go to waste.

    I will 🙂 

  2. 18 hours ago, Obiginnaw said:

    It’s also occurred to me today, everyone seems to be having this idea that we MUST be good to go by March because that’s when the build starts 

    it can’t be tooo adventurous to assume that if the vaccine can come out quickly by working in parallel , why can’t the site? I’m not a builder or events manager but if the green light of it going ahead was delayed until April/ even Early May then there’s still feasibly got to be a way to make it happen?

    I too thought this, I think it’s the farmhands that start the build, is it March so they don’t rush? Could they get more people involved to do it later if needed? I’m sure they’ll have a plan in place. I would imagine a festival of that size would have advisors updating them constantly. Given it brings in 100 million to charities and local businesses I think they will want it to go ahead. Whether it can be justified is another issue I guess 😕 


    im remaining positive! 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Memory Man said:

    They would just roll it to 2022 like they would with punters tickets. I honestly wouldn't read anything into it whatsoever. 

    That’s fair enough. I am still going to remain positive about it though. I need something to at least look forward to so until they say it’s over, it’s on. 

  4. 15 hours ago, Copperface said:

    Which one?

    Bearded theory?

    No it’s literally a small local festival a couple thousand usually, they’ve been told they have to downsize the capacity, hand sanitizers, bar rules for serving etc. They seem pretty optimistic it’ll happen, I am sceptical but if it does happen that’s a win

  5. Our local festival is planning on going ahead in September with a huge list of changes they have to implement. If this goes ahead I will be pretty optimistic about large festivals happening next year! So fingers crossed x 

  6. Why are we not allowed to be sad about the festival being cancelled? I am sick of being told to hide my emotions in the same world that then bangs on about talking about your emotions! Glastonbury to some people is more than ‘just a festival’ I work my arse off all year to disappear for a week to the happiest place on Earth, I’m single, live alone and have no kids unlike all my pals, I will not be made to feel shit for missing out on something that is a big part of my life and something I look forward to every summer! 

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