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Posts posted by aardvark69

  1. Neil

    I fully understand why you would consider George's last reply inflammatory and you have gone some way to explaining why the thread was locked.

    But I do come back to my earlier point and questions in post 43, in that there were many other people than just George in that thread who were trying to organise a specific Glastonbury meet for photographers, which we're now locked out of.



  2. Ian as I get it photographers in the UK have become an underdog, a taboo. You can give your work for free to sites such as these to attract people to their main site but you cant talk about your photography or else you will be branded as shamefully self promoting your work. I for sure will remain talking about my passion for photography no matter what this inquisitor thinks about our thread.

    So the days are counting down and the day to the opening of the gates are soon upon us. We have less then two months to go so lets get geared up to it.

    We still have to find out a meeting place and time before the wicked witch of efestivals shuts us down again.

    All you people who had any question about photography keep them coming, will try our best to help you out before we get burned down by the dictator his excellency Mr member no1 Efestivals in person

    Thank you all for your support

    From the shamless self promoter


  3. Can't see that image Staber, but the URL is distinctly odd...

    It is a shame that the photography thread was closed down. The Favourite Images thread is a great one for posting photos in, but god forbid anyone tried to actually discuss Glastonbury photography in it as that then got someone else's back up. George's thread seemed perfect for exactly that sort of discussion. If he was guilty of bumping it a tad too often then a simple pm asking him to group his postings and to post slightly less frequently would have been more apropos in my book.

  4. To be fair, whilst I can see the point re the constant bumping of the thread being annoying to some, this did seem to be down to George's genuine enthusiasm.

    What I don't understand is the fact that there appears to have been one negative post and the whole thread's locked, which does seem a shame as there were certainly many more regular posters than just George in the thread, helpful advice was being given to other potential photographers and most importantly of all it was being used to organise a meet up for any photographers who were interested.

    I don't know if any pms had been sent to George re the constant bumping but if not the closing of the thread seems a bit draconian.


  5. wasnt calling u stupid, was just suggesting that you were not aware of Phish's generally deserved reputation in the music industry.
  6. Phish? worst band to grace the pyramid?!?!?! you should count yourself lucky to have seen them at Glasto.

    honestly, that has to be one of the silliest things ever written on this forum. ever.

    I'm not a big fan of Phish, but i at least have utmost respect for the fact that they represent the best musicianship you'll find in a band over the past few decades. GF bookers would kill for another Phish appearance at Glasto.

    i'd be keen to see what you're planning on seeing at Glasto this year or what u've enjoyed past years, to perhaps get some insight into your Phish statement. just off the bat i'm guessing u like Kasabian...

    sorry if i come across as harsh, but that really is one of the stupidest things i've ever seen written on here.

  7. v/w are the most piss-poor band to grace the pyramid stage ever in my opinion,and i really cant believe they are so high on the billing. theyre music irritates me nearly as much as jamie cullums, but they are popular amongst some, so get over it, theres plenty of other to stages to go and stand infront of.
  8. Good morning to all of you. As I mark the days on my calendar I just cant keep my self form looking forward to the opening of Glasto 2010. I have a feeling that its going to be a great one (if the planes will work). So in the mean time I sat down in front of my computer and go my self to work some black & whites, sorry for all those that love colour.

    I would really appreciate and comments no matter how harsh and honest they are.

    This is just a teaser of what you will find in todays blog


    and todays link is http://workingwithlight.wordpress.com/2010...d-white-glasto/ I hope to see you there

  9. Firstly big thanks to George, looks like a good topic you've started here.

    The lockups are your friend, never keep gear in your tent or vehicle, far too easily gone, I'm always more than happy to contribute a few extra quid over the course of the festival, as the people running the lock ups do a great job and are usually great crack as you get to know them over the 5/6 days.

    I'll be looking to arrive early doors on the Weds, as travelling down from the North East to Bristol on the Tues, so anytime from wed pm onwards would suit me for a meet up and a few drinks, sounds cool.

    The lens question does really depend on what you're trying to capture. Performers on either main or other stage I would say a zoon with a long end of 300 at least, on the Park stage if you can get down the front, your kit lens would do fine job during the day.

    Look forward to meeting everybody soon


  10. Hi all

    Enjoyed looking at some of your great shots on here, so I thought I'd better post a dozen of my own favourites from last year, from both the main stages and the circus/theatre fields.They are all low res by the way, so may not look at their very best!

    Visit My Website

    I'd certainly be up for a few pints if anyone is going to be around to meet up on the Wed or Thurs.



  11. Hi to everyone,

    Having just snagged a very last minute ticket and as i'm coming solo for the first time it'll be good to meet up with some new people up at .

    Really on a high now as it's my first time back since 2003 and all the better for being a last minute surprise.

    Hoping to get up there mid aft on Wed but guess it could be a bit empty then as everyone will no doubt be at the world cup.

    Have a good one

  12. I've gotta share my excitement somewhere, thought there was no chance of making it this year, for various reasons but at the last minute the Glasto gods have looked kindly on me and as of late last night I have my eager mitts on a ticket.

    So train booked down from the North East for Wed morning so should arrive in good time for the Wed cider bus meet.

    Really, really on a high now as last went in 2003 but prior to that had been most years it was on since 1986, so pleased to be looking forward to that Glasto VIBE once again !!!

    So look out for one more long haired old git at the efest meets.

  13. Well don't know if it's too late but added name today, as I only got to know I was going late last night, get in there !!!!!!!!

    Thought I'd missed out this year but if you don't give up you never know.

    Hopefully get a chance to see people at one of the meets anyway.

    Have a great one.

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