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Posts posted by aardvark69

  1. Hi there Sinister

    Enjoyed a quick scan through them and you've certainly got some atmospheric images there. Also like the look of the fisheye shots.

    Only other comment would be to edit down to your best 40/50 shots as 910 is a lot to trawl through!

    Some good shots though



  2. Quite simple.

    No property lockups = no Glasto for me.

    They provide an invaluable service, particularly for people who travel by public transport.

    I've used them for as long as I can remember at Glastonbury.

  3. Have not posted on here in a while, thought I would post these pictures up from last year. Hopefully get some better ones this year too.

    Hey really enjoyed the shots you've posted, great to see some different angles and really like the reflection in the shades.

    Nice work


  4. Hey congrats on the publication, enjoyed looking through them.

    It's always bound to be a compromise with the lens choice, I must admit I tend to go for a 70-300 myself which likewise is a consumer lens but does have vr. The problem is it's very slow 4.5/5.6 max aperture which means you've got to really push the iso at night.

  5. The Nikkor 70-200 f/2.8 VR (the older model not the VRII that came out recently).

    Very nice set Ian! Really nailed the exposure on the one with the woman with the harpoon gun and flames coming out of the top. I do like Smugmug's interface, so much better than Flickr where I stick a lot of my shots.

  6. Click on my link and you'll see I 'out' myself. :) I don't have a problem with my name being out there, just always used jameshunt on boards.

    edit: typo and missing smiley

  7. Hey George that's a great quality set you've just posted, you've just reminded me that I've got one of the ' doll's head ' somewhere myself.

    Trash city was good last year but I also really enjoy the Circus/Cabaret fields and the Green fields for shots.



  8. Certainly think it's worth discussing over a few pints but probably a bit of a stretch to bring a portfolio down to the meet.

    In terms of asking people on site, by all means worth a try but at the end of the day I think anybody who may have any influence, is going to be well tied up making sure this year's event runs smoothly.

    To be honest the idea of promoting an exhibition of Glasto images is a target I've set myself anyway but I was going to try and do this locally in my own area.

    At the end of the day it will be worth putting our heads together to see if it could be done, as to be honest I'd never thought of trying to exhibit at the festival itself.

    One thing for sure, is that the best chance we're going to have, is by shooting some unique and memorable images this year. There could be an interesting angle if the amateurs could be seen to out shoot or at least match the output from the pros.

    At the very least it's going to be good to put faces to the user names and if we can put the photographic world to rights over a few beers as well all the better ;)



  9. Just a further heads up on this.

    Like many received the seetickets email 10-12 days ago, had heard nothing so rang DX last Thursday to be told tickets were due to be delivered Monday 14th June. At 10.40 today doorbell rings, a courier with a big grin saying it's your Glastonbury tickets.

    Now I've had no email from DX today, was originally told the delivery was going to be next week so if I wasn't lucky enough to work from home could well have missed them.

    To be fair the guy who delivered was a really nice guy and explained that the 14th was the date they were told they had to be delivered by so beware if you ring DX for an update.

    Anyway yeahhhhhhhh it all seems a lot nearer now, bring it on !!!!!!!!

  10. Was just thinking about this! :) Still no word on most bar opening times, but I'm fairly sure the Bimble Inn will be open Wed afternoon. I think they've got a facebook page so should be able to ask them. If so, how about a 3pm meet there?
  11. Went back up to Manchester some time back...Free Trade Hall now a Hotel... :P:P That place was the first place i saw decent bands...can't stand these huge places like NEC, or Nynex arena,nearest to me apart from Glastonbury is Colston Hall in Bristol,thats quite good,of to see Peter Green this Sunday in Cheese and Grain in Frome..small dump of a place but brilliant apmosphere
  12. :P

    I've been considering getting a 50mm F1.8D for my Nikon D60, currently using the standard 18-55mm and 55-200mm

    My main gripe with the D60 is it doesn't have a built-in motor in the body, so I'd have to manual focus. Is this relatively quick and simple to do? Also are they just suitable for fixed portraits or are there other uses?

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