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Posts posted by helsbellski

  1. 2 minutes ago, beefykoala said:

    I gave you an upvote for the road. Safe travels! Also, does someone here have your reg details just in case?

    Much obliged! :wub:

    And yes, someone said they'd help me out so all good thanks! x

  2. 1 minute ago, beefykoala said:

    Yeah but airport booze... there's always an upside.

    Oh absolutely. I've got an 8 hour layover in a tiny airport where there's basically just a bar so I'll be having a few farewell rums. Then I've got an overnight to Heathrow with BA so will be partaking in a few beverages then too. If I make it home in one piece it will be a miracle tbh

  3. 1 minute ago, SOAD said:

    That's how to do breakfast properly!


    1 minute ago, beefykoala said:

    Dayumn girl, that's some breakfast order! Makes my 1 Clif bar and a cup of lukewarm tea seem a bit... measly.

    I've been living in a hotel for 28 days. I figured one last buffet breakfast was in order as god knows when I'll get to eat again. 24 hour journey home commences in 2 hours. Weep.

  4. 4 minutes ago, beefykoala said:

    Oooh, what did you inhale?

    Grapefruit, carrot cake, some cheese, a glass of juice, a coffee and pancakes, bacon and maple syrup. 10 minutes flat from leaving my room to getting back here. PROUD FACE

  5. Sweet jesus, online check in just opened for my flight from London to Manchester tomorrow. I got an alert, saw the word "check", injured myself by running into the desk to get to my laptop

  6. 3 minutes ago, naivetyplay said:

    Compare that to '96...!!!


    Yep. I was at the Warrington one. I also went in 2008 (shame) with my terrible ex boyfriend. I got so drunk that I had to go to bed at 9pm

  7. 5 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    You have missed, as you say and others have said, poo, knobs, gifs and the stress of no resale.

    You also missed the worst, yet funniest, joke ever posted on this thread.


    Ooh dammit! Any idea what page?

  8. 9 minutes ago, p.pete said:

    Lots of pings around 9am, more at 10am that went on for a few minutes.  Brief sightings of 'the website is currently processing too many transactions...' page, but probably due to people (me included) refreshing too fast.  Lots of people getting barraged for asking questions we've all seen day after day now.  Checkpage.co.uk is pre-loaded to the tune of 18,000 texts, but Neil isn't managing the business so well, so it sounds a bit like he's trying to prop up a conservative manifesto pledge, he's no idea how many people that's supposed to cover.  There's been a few gifs too.

    Edit: outside of this page, we've had the Common lineup drop, and ATCQ seem highly unlikely for Friday night now.

    Fantastic, thanks! :D

  9. 47 minutes ago, frizzydizzymizzy said:

    so here's my day in a nutshell, used all upvotes before midday, daughter eats my entire lip balm (which has 'festival' written on it..maybe another sign) daughter climbs in a plastic bag much to my horror, daughter gets rich tea crumbs absolutely everywhere (i mean everybloodywhere), daddy comes home from work and informs me he doesn't want spaghetti hoops on toast as he had maccies, and me well i've finally got a glass of wine. hope there are no children or girlfriend police here as i feel pretty bad..i just want my sister to come to glasto! She will have to take over tomorrow as I'm in and out of signal on Fridays. Lots of luck to you all, you're bleddy beauts and all deserve to be there!  

    I use my upvotes within about 10 minutes of coming on here, there's just too much top notch content!

    Glad you've finally got your wine - sounds like it's well needed!

    • Upvote 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, beefykoala said:

    Thanks, and sorry. I've had a bit of a rollercoaster week so I've turned up the happy to combat it, but now I'm all out of happy and it's making the sad all glaringly obvious. Food and tea, a good sleep, and I'll be a happy little koala again tomorrow :)

    You've kept me going many times this week with your hilarity and positivity. Get some lovely food down you and I'll see you tomorrow for more wee-holding in and knobs xx

  11. 9 minutes ago, lobo said:

    Off to perranporth and st Ives, looking forward to it. Been years since I've visited those parts.

    cheers guys! x


    Love love love St Ives! Spent every summer around those parts as a kid. Have an amazing time!

  12. 2 minutes ago, beefykoala said:

    I think we'll actually be cancelling stuff and figuring out a new plan. I'm so sad. I honestly thought we'd all be hanging out at Glasto this year, it's been a whole year of planning and getting excited, and now I'm having to come to terms with the fact that it's not going to happen. I might have to have a little cry.

    That just brought a tear to my eye :(

  13. 1 minute ago, smudger said:

    I take my laptop with me, and this is the bad bit, I,......I..... sit and pee like a girl so I can hold onto it......the laptop, not, you know......

    I really wish I had an upvote left for this! That is true dedication! :lol:

  14. 5 minutes ago, beefykoala said:

    My crew just decided we're putting in a deadline of Monday. After that, we're officially seeking something else to do over Glasto week. :(

    Nooooooooooooo (totally understandable though)

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