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Posts posted by CeriG

  1. Thanks everyone, going to ditch the trolley then. Fingers crossed it’s as nice as this year and 2017 So we can rest anywhere on the ground. If not I’ll make use of the lock ups and take chairs etc. 

    The food is the best bit for us too and have budgeted £10 a head. Which if you times that by 5 can work out costly if buying 3 meals a day. Can only afford realistically to buy one meal a day for us all. 

    I might make some pre prepared wraps and pack the usual pic stuff for lunch and snacks. Will deffo take bacon etc for breakie and Fill them up. We have only been on our own so have always eaten what we want and never taken food so this will be a new experience. 

    Excited to be taking them. Wish June would just bloody hurry up now ? 

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  2. Taking our 3 children aged 12, 10 & almost 7. We will have disability passes for our son aged 10. 

    Is it worth taking a trolley/cart to pull the kids around with the age that they are? We would need a pretty big trolley and worried about it getting in the way and lugging it around. 

    Weve decided not to use the viewing platforms. Do those with 3 or more kids tend to stick to the back for more room? Is it a nightmare in the crowd? (Back to the trolley issue too).

    what kind of foods to pack? Breakfast and lunch (we will be buying evening meals but need to budget spending in the day time). Need to keep packing to a minimum with there being 5 of us. I’m used to packing the kitchen sink when we go away as a family ?

    thank you x

  3. 7 hours ago, ShuMart said:


    This sort of thing. Wheel unclip and the all fold flat. Strong and doesn't tip over easily

    So when these aren’t on a bike.... they stay upright and able to push? Looking to get one for lugging the kids around x x

  4. 4 minutes ago, Quark said:

    Apparently my dad drinks in your pub!!

    He's ex navy from the days when the still did the daily tot of rum.  Swears by that stuff as the closest he can get to what hey used to dish out.

    Oh god, it’s vile!!! I had a shot when drunk one night. It about killed me ?

    the chap that drinks it too is ex navy. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Dom Wall said:

    Really not a DMF fan... their Coffee version tastes like a grim Café Patron.


    Not even sure what DMF means  ?


    Just realised it’s initials for Dead Mans Fingers.... duh brain 

  6. I run a pub and we sell loooooads “dead mans fingers” a cheaper alternative to Kraken. They all rave about it ??

    For me though, nothing beats Kraken ?




  7. 5 minutes ago, kalifire said:

    Made a decision not to get a tipi. We'd really love to, but there's only two of us, and it equates to over $2k (Australian). We really can't justify it. I had suggested it because it's the other half's first time and I wanted the best experience I could afford for her, but she'll have to put up with camping now! We'll go for Pennards due to location, and hope for good neighbours.

    What about worthy view? Bell tents are around £600. They were really roomy when we had one in 2017 

  8. 10 hours ago, Dark Star said:

    I don't know what the score is regarding the refund of camper van tickets, but am sure you'd find someone willing to take one off your hands. I don't think there's any restriction on who uses them. You're equally as entitled to be in there with a camper van as anyone else, but I totally get where you're coming from about feeling you might be taking up space that someone else may need more. 

    How old/tall is your son? I'm sure he should be fine as long as you guide him to the lowest point of the rope possible and tell him to step forward slowly, he'll get the hang of it in no time. If he's the youngest child, I honestly expect you'll have the normal tiredness issues of any 7 year old not having any energy at all and wanting to be carried more than any issues with his visual impairment. The likely worst scenario is you might have to pop a couple of ropes back in place. 

    Have you taken him camping before? If not, he'll not be used to the ropes and to be aware for them. Perhaps a trip to somewhere like a Go Outdoors that has some tents set up, you could see how he does negotiating them in a safe level environment with you guiding him.

    My son is 10. Yeah we go camping all the time and he is fine with our tents guide ropes using his cane. It’s when there’s lots of guide ropes around I’m guessing would be a nightmare for him to manoeuvre round. Maybe if I request to be near a track/the edge that might help. We will be getting there Wednesday anyway. 

    We were going to pay to hire a camper but spring ground definitely seems to be winning. Think we might just bite the bullet and camp there.

    thanks for all your help/advice ?

  9. 4 hours ago, Dark Star said:

    @CeriG tents can still be quite close together in Spring Ground, so the trip hazards may still be there. It's nowhere near as bad as the main site. There's an image, I think from last year, on Tort's Glastonbury FAQ page, about halfway down. Keep all options open 'til you've had a chance to speak with the Access team.


    Thanks dark star. I’ve read that you can have a camper van in spring ground, that may be an option but I’m guessing they get allocated very quickly to people that really can’t camp. The main issue for us really is just the guide ropes. I don’t want to have to mollycoddle him every time we go back to the tent carrying him. He would absolutely hate that. 

    Do you think maybe I’m best to buy a camper ticket in east and then see what happens with spring ground? I know that we can get a refund up to April can’t we.  

  10. Thanks everyone. Have had a read up and emailed the accessibility team. They said the packs will be out in November, so not going to bother with campervan. Main reason we were doing that was to prevent being sandwiched between lots of tents meaning lots of guide ropes which would be a nightmare for him. As long as tents in springs field are pitched with easy walkways we will camp and ditch the camper.

    not too fussed about the viewing platforms as it’s being in the crowd and the athmosphere and sound that he loves ?

    the main concern is walking through busy crowds with him, but think we will take a trolley for when times get like that. 

    thanks for all your help 

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  11. Been lucky enough to get tickets today, our 3rd year going..... this year we plan to take our children aged 12, 10 & 7 when we go.

    we will be staying in a campervan in CV east (fingers crossed) so that we are near the kidz field and circus etc.

    any tips to make it easier with them? Eg, should we take a trolley? 

    My son is blind so there fore we can have a disability pass. Haven’t a clue on how this all works, so any advice with that would be a huge help. 

    TIA x

  12. 6 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    I did check your profile a while back to see you hadn't been on in ages and presumed you'd given up ... sorry :( wouldnt have been any help whatsoever though 

    You helped us immensely with campervan tickets etc and the resale.

    wasnr aimed at you in the slightest. Mean our friends that decided not to go. Would have been nice for them to help us. Bit upset with them really that they didn’t. Maybe I’m expecting too much haha!

  13. I got through for 18 people last year. Never expected anything from them. Did get bought a couple of drinks. 

    only 6 of us going this year which my friend got so I’ll be shouting her a few drinks at the cider bus.

    Personally it would have been nice if the people I got through last year helped us secure ours today but not one single person offered.

  14. Deffo worse in my opinion. Last year we managed 6 in coach and 12 in general. 

    Same computers this year at same place (my work).... got through to booking page but every time we clicked proceed to go to payment it crashed. Clicked back and pressed proceed again about 8 times then totally kicked me out. 

    Thankfully our friend managed to get ours ??

  15. 27 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

    nope ... sad times ...was feeling so confident  too ... maybe I overplayed it 

    I couldn’t proceed to the payment page this year. Entered all details in and every time clicked proceed just crashed.

    luckily a friend got ours.... we have 2 more to get so more than happy to add you and help out in resales 

  16. 3 minutes ago, jimbarkanoodle said:

    Imagine being that utter bellend refusing someone entry when they have a ticket. I will never, ever understand someone's thought process who would actually do that. Shouldn't be anywhere near Glastonbury or any other music festival, they should just get a job as a copper or something.

    I think they have secret shoppers though... ie they test that the stewards are checking the tickets properly.

  17. 17 hours ago, carlosj said:


    You should be able to get details from here, but from the end of Summer, as the page says. However that doesn't leave loads of time before T day. Hope that helps.

    I know there is some sort of accessibility wristband which must be also available for a carer, but whether it extends to other dependents (ie your other kids) I don't know.

    Thanks.... yeah it just syays that applications are closed on the site. I know you can have access to viewing platforms for him and 1 other which we wont use.... if we cant all use the disabled routes as a family then it will be a nightmare.

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