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Posts posted by Rachie

  1. She's Emily Bones to me forever now ;)

    Yep - could have chosen almost anything said that night but that was a particular favourite, along with almost anything your oh said :) Especially him trying to ask me where I was from for about ten minutes :):D

  2. left liverpool about half 9am(an hour later then planned) and got there about 5:30. About 2.5 hours later then 'usual'

    My neice left 1 hour earlier (8:30am) and didnt get there till 11pm!!!!! both by National express! my lateness turned out to be a blessing in disguise!!!

  3. i only took one set of footwear, wellies!...there little crappy green ones worth about £8. I wasnt wearing them for fashion.

    id simply forgot to put my trainers in my bag :lol:

    it was awful, but i was lucky not to have any blisters tho!

  4. a guy from America who was camped near us got £300 stolen from his tent.

    Some young lads told me one of there friends woke to find somone in there tent trying to steal.

    a fellow efester on here also woke to find somone on top of them looking for stuff to steal.

    On the last night at about 5am i went back to my tent to find in wide open and my bags (that had been packed) tipped up, but nothing was missing (all was in there was smelly clothes anyway)

    Out of 15 festivals ive been to thats my first experience :D ive never heard so many storys either from people camped near me. :D

  5. I got to the kidz field! was bloody amazing.

    but made me miss my daughters too much, so had to leave.

    i also spent a good few hours at the stone circle this year, previous years ive either not found it, or spent about 10 mins there.

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