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Posts posted by Glastosmile15

  1. Morning all. Thick white blanket here too! Looks like the sun will burn it off though.

    Congrats Genie!!! Hard work pays off :)

    I'm pleased it's not just me Smiler... Was getting worried my phone had a glitch haha.

    Emojis still not back * sadface*Where do you get the animated ones??
  2. Hello Matty mate,

    Really happy with the ThermaCare you recommended for me and wanna thank you for that, had the best 2 nights sleep i have had in near 3 weeks now and i could honestly hug you for that fella.

    I Leave L,pool at 8am so fingers crossed no problems getting there and getting set up (have to meet up with 6 other people all family or in-laws and Glastonbury virgins) crossing fingers that goes ok and i should make it to the meet for no later than 5-6pm,

    Hoping you are all having such an amazing time together that your all still there so i can say hi and shake you and everyone else by the hand really dude maybe have a brandy/rum or 2 and a chat and a dance with everyone,

    That would be great for me mate, what i,ll do is text or whats-app one of the NFR NFC gang to check everyone is still together and having a great time.

    10 MORE SLEEPS!!!!!! :beach:

    EDIT: 9 FOR MOST OF YOU LUCKY MOFOS!! :you::smoke::sungum:

    7 cos have to be there Monday!*working*

  3. Hello Matty mate,

    Really happy with the ThermaCare you recommended for me and wanna thank you for that, had the best 2 nights sleep i have had in near 3 weeks now and i could honestly hug you for that fella.

    I Leave L,pool at 8am so fingers crossed no problems getting there and getting set up (have to meet up with 6 other people all family or in-laws and Glastonbury virgins) crossing fingers that goes ok and i should make it to the meet for no later than 5-6pm,

    Hoping you are all having such an amazing time together that your all still there so i can say hi and shake you and everyone else by the hand really dude maybe have a brandy/rum or 2 and a chat and a dance with everyone,

    That would be great for me mate, what i,ll do is text or whats-app one of the NFR NFC gang to check everyone is still together and having a great time.

    10 MORE SLEEPS!!!!!! :beach:

    EDIT: 9 FOR MOST OF YOU LUCKY MOFOS!! :you::smoke::sungum:

    7 cos have to be there Monday!*working*

  4. Hey Matty,

    I'm more than happy with that plan. I was also thinking of the live bands at Williams Green, so I like the 4 o'clock idea, gives a good few hours to have a chat with all you lovely peeps before evening entertainment. If anyone has any other suggestions for a venue, that's fine, but I think somewhere reasonably central makes sense, rather than The Park or Silver Hayes for example. Can't wait to see the newbies' faces :)

  5. Im trying to fill in an application form for a job(more or less my current job but with less work and about 3grand more) but i cant concentrate, my spellings all to shit and i feel crap

    Can anyone recommend any good music to help me focus?

    . Good luck with application and job!
  6. It was really hard to take. The worst bit was on the Sunday me and the wife had a bit of time to ourselves, she just broke down in tears at one point at how miserable our friends had made it at certain points, I remember her saying "this is our special place and they've fucking ruined it", like I said we've got unfinished business this year

    Hope you have a brilliant time this year.

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