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Posts posted by didyeaye

  1. Long time lurker here, I had to register just to say THANK YOU. These guys are so bloody aggressive if anybody dares question them... Loving that Glastonbury spirit guys... :no2:

  2. It is interesting the politics surrounding the festival, definitely should not be ignored, to do so would be disregarding a lot of what is behind it. Must say though it is also interesting that apart from pockets in Bristol, Exeter and Southampton, it's very much Blue & Yellow here across the South West UK. Another general observation is the impression given from the mainstream left leaning party i.e. Labour, in the area, is that they appear to have little idea of how the countryside works and more specifically the farming issues.

    Political stuff aside, and it's something that always crosses my mind around the festival time, is to try and impart a message to say it's beautiful in this part of the country and I'm fortunate enough to live and raise a family here, but there is also an awful lot of people struggling day to day, just like our urban kin all over the UK. But after the week in the heart of Zummerzet, enjoying the best festival on the planet, if you can try to do what you can in support of the UK farming community when you get home in terms of your shopping choices for example, it is definitely, definitely appreciated.

    I seem to have gone off at a tangent there... apologies, but it's something i've wanted to say for a long time, hope you understand :)

  3. The festival exists because of those politics- it's what makes it different from other festivals like V. Bit cheeky to avoid/ignore/disdain those politics while simultaneously reaping the benefits of them!

    In fact I can't think if any bit of the festival you could enjoy that doesn't exist due to the political ethos of the festival- maybe some burger vans near the pyramid stage?

  4. I had heard about - but never appreciated - the political side to Glastonbury. Not really looking forward to this part of it as my view on politics will differ hugely from most at the festival I imagine. Always been of the perception that politics shouldn't be mentioned on a night out and I see this as a big night out so I will be ignoring all of that stuff.

  5. The general consensus seems to be a lot less than what I had envisaged which is great news. I could probably manage on a £10 a day if I didn't take drugs!

  6. Plenty of threads which are very helpful on what to bring but I do not have a clue what to bring with regards to money.

    i am guessing you could spend as much or as little as possible but what would be a sensible budget per day. We will arrive at 8am Wednesday and head home on the Monday morning.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Getting the coach is fine. As said by Musky, you're dropped off at Gate A, 15 minutes later we had our spot to camp. Piece of piss.

    Here's what I took on the coach with me and they were absolutely fine with it.



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