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Posts posted by didyeaye

  1. 3 litres of water in the morning and a couple of vitamins with some food and you will be a lot better. I go on some mega benders and always fit in water and vitamins. Keeps me on the rightish track.

  2. I was residing in Bushy Ground near to Exit D. We walked down the hill into Silver Hayes most days and at the corner before the lock up there were a group of merry people singing about not littering and putting cigarettes in the bin. I asked if that was a good idea, to ask someone who is possibly high and drunk to be certain their fag is out before putting it in a bin? That could cause fire and untold damage depending on its location. They then gave me a wee white pack with 5 holes in it for butts. I thought they were quality and had never seen these before. Up to then it was cans and bottles and if neither were available I would drop it. I will use those wee things all the time though. Well impressed.

    On a side note, the merry singers said that the cigarettes kill the fishes? In the middle of a field? Were they tripping or am I missing something?

  3. Anywhere with crowds could be a target but when you stop doing anything on the basis of fear then they have won.

    Your question is not as ridiculous as some of the answers which followed. There was no searching of any bag which I seen on the way in so not beyond the realms of possibility. Like I said, not worth the worry.

  4. 3 of us met a group of 4 girls on the way to Arcadia, we played a drinking game which involved an umbrella and getting mega dizzy. One of the girls was small and had blonde hair and I was in love with her for about an hour or so. I think she was from Cambridge or studying in Cambridge. Regretted getting split up from her.

    I also seen a girl drop money so I went after her and gave her it. Think it was about £60 and I am pretty sure I made her day.

    The best week I have had in my life and a fixture for me now.

  5. I dunno, there's a broad spectrum of earnings in my experience, it's not just high earners and low-grade as you depict. Yes there is big competition for the high wages, but apart from a degree of nepotism it's a reasonably level playing field. Plenty of people from underprivileged backgrounds forge strong professional careers.

    Regardless, you don't have to move too far up the ladder in the UK to be doing alright and leading a comfortable life. We live in a good country that hasn't all gone to shit as some would make out.

    yay! Sense. 6 months, but sense!!

    Your situation sounds frustrating but did you not understand these limitations before you made your career choices?

    Presumably you're doing alright though with your computer, glastonbury ticket etc :)

  6. Woah I've been out for lunch and come back to a war? Let's all kiss and make up. Ultimately we're all after the same thing.. decent weather at our beloved festival.

    I prefer to look at the scientific side of things rather than preaching to a make believe sun god but if people wish to do that then so be it.

    It is actually ridiculous. If someone is going to go out and buy a set of wellies on the basis of what they read on here beforehand then they deserve taking pelters. I predict snow.

  7. the men who shall not be blamed for nothing on the hell stage 19-00-20.00 thursday evening

    steampunk punk band who sing about things like isambard kingdom brunel and your doctor blaming your illness on to much self abuse haha

    never seen them but definitly going to check em out after youtube videos.

  8. On the See coach that leaves at 11:30pm on Tuesday apparently from Buchanan Street.

    The return journey begins at 8am on the Monday which is vile to even think about. Might just book the late evening flight to Edinburgh airport to be honest.

  9. Don't waste all your time trying to be at the front for everything, you'll miss a lot of stuff!

    I know how it feels to want to be at the front, I'd love to be down the front for Lily Allen. I'm hoping she's not too late in the day so she's not too close to the headliner, that way I can get down there as the previous act finishes and slowly wiggle my way down to the front. She's the only act I plan on seeing at the Pyramid anyway, so it wont eat in to my festival too much if I try to get down the front!

  10. We paid the £59 for the powder rooms so we can get a hot shower and a shite in comfort. I take pride in smelling normal and shiting is also a great part of the day for me so a no brainer.

    I understand if people want to jump about with sweaty balls all day but not for me.

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