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Posts posted by alan_ts

  1. 12 hours ago, young_contra said:

    Think they won't be saying no to touring next year. They have a new album in the works anyways

    Just announced for Lolla Stockholm (+ other dates supporting PJ already announced). 

    Someone in PS thread said that they are nailed on for that. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, activean said:

    Offical statement on FB! 


    Dear INmusic supporters and audience members, 

    the anniversary 15th edition of the festival is upon us! In the 14 festival editions to date INmusic has hosted 507 live shows, featured 434 artists from 37 countries, and made some truly unforgettable memories and shared a lifetime worth of positive emotions. Still, there were quite a few troubled times over the past 14 years; problems, disappointments and hurdles we have overcome – only because we firmly believed that you, the audience buying tickets since 2006, were there to assure us to go on because we were doing something good. Your trust and support have been the sole reason of the festival’s existence since the very beginning – to host the best possible music programme in our own backyard – and the reason why we have always insisted on a ticket price that is affordable to the local audience, despite the unrelenting math of this business consisting of extremely high costs and risks, and the absence of the necessary conditions other European festivals have, which sadly just do not exist or function here. 

    Each year a small but relentless team, joined by several dozen fantastically wonderful individuals each June, has worked their fingers to the bone to justify your trust. We have built an internationally acknowledged and praised festival platform that welcomes great musicians on tour who would be less than tempted to segue and perform in our country without a festival platform such as INmusic. In a day and age where music tours rely heavily on the festival circuit, a respected festival is a precondition to host these tours in small markets such as ours. 

    This is why we invite you to support and acknowledge INmusic festival as a platform, because it’s not just three days of music you may be excited to see on one edition, while someone else might like the next edition more – it’s about the idea of preserving a platform that will allow great and varied music performances at a ticket price fixed in accordance to the local market capacities. We are proud of and thankful for your support over the past 14 years, the understanding you have shown us, all the kind words, and the constructive criticism – alongside you and because of you we have fallen and gotten back up, made mistakes and learned valuable lessons, laughed and cried, and although a lot has changed over these 14 years one thing has remained unaltered – we still choose to fight for each edition because you believe in us and by buying tickets you facilitate our efforts. We’ve known this from day one, now it is time to remind you too – you are the ones who decide the future of INmusic festival! And make no mistake; INmusic #15 will take place from June 22nd to June 24th 2020, with more exciting news coming very soon ?

    Your ticket purchase for INmusic #15 (bit.ly/2ULlYLL) is your yearly contribution to the future of INmusic festival and the sole prerequisite to continue planning and working on INmusic #16, and every other edition after that. We will welcome the new year in hopes you see INmusic the same way we do – as a platform for good music and ideas, where money is just a necessary tool to reach the final goal of being part of a bigger global music community. You will make your choice, hopefully a bit easier with a Talking Head lyrical jewel very fond to our hearts in your mind as you do:

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    In short:




    Edit: more news tomorrow 

  3. 57 minutes ago, wro_lap said:

    Is the clashfinder just a prediction at this point? Or does it seem likely it’ll be relatively close to how the lineup will shape up?

    This clashfinder is made by a (trustworthy ) user of efestivals. The Strokes at this point are obviously just a rumour/prediction/guesswork or call it as you want :)

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