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Posts posted by willsnewman

  1. Only sound issue I noticed over the weekend was watching Floating Points at The Park. We stood half way between the sound tent and stage and the bass just drowned everything out, it wasn't good bass either, just muddy. Eventually we moved back towards the tent and it improved drastically; we could actually hear the other instruments on stage and it sounded great. Sad to have missed the first half.

    Apart from that the sound across the weekend was phenomenal. LCD sound blew me away.

  2. 3 minutes ago, FuzzyDunlop said:


    Brilliant tune. Fantastic intro.

    It's soooooo good. The recorded version doesn't seem to have the weird (amazing) sounds they were making so I guess that was just a live addition.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Festival Liam said:

    Somebody tell me it was shit. I couldn't face a pre LCD park sprint and back with the mud and Sunday fatigue. Absolutely gutted.

    The only downside I can give you is that she didn't play any old songs until about song 6 or 7, so I only got new ones. (I think).

  4. I only watched the first 4 songs before a mad dash to LCD, but she was fantastic. Place went from still to bouncing in about 2 seconds.

  5. Friday - Dakhabrakha - Unknown (the one where they were making bird noises...)

    Saturday - Percussions - Digital Arpeggios (played by Four Tet at Stonebridge to close his set)

    Sunday - Kamasi Washington - The Rhythm Changes (this was my 'moment', but so was pretty much the entire LCD set)


  6. Glastonbury show was incredible, a close second behind LCD for me I think. I met them wandering around in Glasgow on Monday and they seemed to have enjoyed it as much as we did. Sadly couldn't make the Glasgow show which was a little devastating.

  7. On 27 June 2016 at 11:47 PM, Memory Man said:

    i think i have the answer for you!!


    Thanks man, thoroughly enjoying it. I've never actually listened to any of the percussions stuff, but now I'm all ears. Was hoping he might end his set with actual Morning Side but this made up for it :)

  8. 5 hours ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    I was at Vessels briefly, but the rocky floor and overwhelming bass volume got the better if me, so I left after a few songs. I don't generally get claustrophobic, but for some reason I do in The Glade. I've tried so many bands I like in there (Stanton's, Jon Hopkins). It finally dawned on me that maybe I don't actually like The Glade! :o

    Do you wear earplugs? I find it too much without but with them in its wonderful stuff :)


    5 hours ago, bennyhana22 said:

    Hi team


    ...I'm at work (first day back)

    ...I'm still a bit post-twatted

    ...I have a cold

    ...I'm still feckin' knackered

    ...so in precis:

    That was the best dance weekend of my life, by a mile!

    I was at:

    Bicep - Thursday, Genosys

    Ben Coda - Thursday, Glade Lounge

    MIDLAND B2B Ben UFO B2B Joy Orbison - Friday, Beat Motel

    Paranoid London - Friday, Spaceport (possibly the best DJ set I've ever been to)

    Seth Troxler B2B Martinez Brothers - Friday, LBHQ (indescribably brilliant) = All-Nighter #1

    Mr G - Saturday, Genosys

    Joey Beltram - Saturday, Genosys (was really enjoying it, but bailed just before 3 as my feet were fucking killing me)

    Dubfire: Live Hybrid - Sunday, Glade (how good is he?!)

    Patrick Topping - Sunday, Spaceport (was so happy in Spaceport that I sacked off Plaid, who were a must-see!)

    Richy Ahmed - Sunday, Spaceport

    Seth Troxler and Craig Richards - Sunday Genosys

    Felix Dickinson - Sunday, Genosys (opening track was really dodgy and I was concerned, then it all got a bit good...!) = All-Nighter #2

    I had really wanted to try to get into the Temple, as I still haven't been in there but, tbh, the stuff at Genosys was SO good, that I wasn't fussed. We looked twice, but the Temple queue was HUGE even at 3.30am on Monday, so we just went back to Genosys.

    really took to Genosys this year. Could be slightly louder, but the sound is excellent, and the projections onto the 'rooms' in the wall are nicely discombobulating when you're enjoying yourself!

    Look, I'd better go, and I haven't had time to catch up with the thread, but I'd be really interested if anyone was where I was and what they thought, especially if they were unimpressed. Nothing in my list above was anything but a lot of fun, much of it simply superb! F*ck knoiws when I'll feel fully recovered, but by jiminy it was worth it.



    It was nice to meet ya Ben. I'm sure we were in many more places at the same time than just the ones I saw you at.

    The one on your list I didn't enjoy was Seth at LBHQ, but that was entirely down to the venue and some of the crowd in there. Just didn't find it that pleasant to be inside. I'm sure the mud didn't help. 

    Looking forward to hearing more. It was a reaaaaaal good one this year.

  9. I spent more time in the beat hotel this weekend than I have at all past festivals. Had such an incredible time. I'm usually with people who don't fancy the ol' beats but this year there were a few of us and it was soooooo good. The combination of mud and sheer number of people in the  SE corner really kept me away from it this year. Ventured to Seth Troxler at LBHQ but didn't hang around for long, just didn't find it that pleasant. Beat Hotel just didn't fail me this year. Also had a wondrous morning wake up to Four Tet up at Stonebridge (can anyone tell me the song he finished with, after Love Cry..?)

    Aside from the late night stuff, I thoroughly enjoyed Vessels in the glade (thanks Ben I think). Floating Points was wonderful, but only after I moved back around half way through and the sound improved drastically so I could actually hear the instruments over the bass. Sad I missed enjoying the start due to that.

    Overall my favourite festival so far for this side of the musical spectrum.

    And of course LCD was quite simply mind blowing, if I can count them in this genre a bit. Best show I have ever seen.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Ducky89 said:

    So good! Crows nest is my favourite and Al Doyle was loving life! Met Stephen from Moshi Moshi who was super lovely too! Roll on next year! 

    Yeh it was just a lovely crowd all round. Left with a beaming smile. Stephen gave me his beer as we left so yes I concur.

    I was in a green jumper and colourful harem pant things if you can put a face to a name.


  11. Anyone there for Al Doyle's set on the Thursday night? That was a party. Primarily fueled by a premature "we're still in the EU" announcement by Joe Goddard due to some info flashed his way on a smart phone screen...

    Also Alexis was lovely. Left to go and watch Floating Points; wish they hadn't clashed and I had been able to stay.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Mezhyp1 said:

    Heading off on the long trip down from Glasgow shortly, hope you all have a fucking wonderful time, and stay safe one and all

    If you see a short Scottish chap with long hair or a wolly hat with a Norwegian flag on it, don't hesitate to say hello. I may pop along to the efests meet, or cast my eye over this thread if my mind allows me to see if there's any plans to meet up

    God speed

    Happy travels man, might meet the fellow Glasgow loon this year!


  13. Thanks for the help. Tescos looking like the likely outcome of this. Won't be in Frome in time for Lilleys sadly but that would have been perfect. Piss poor planning!

  14. Apologies for starting another thread amongst this mass of new threads.

    Does anyone know where we could source some boxed cider this evening around pilton? Or between Oxfordshire and Pilton. Unfortunately arriving probably after 9 and cider planning has not gone at all to plan. Facing the inevitable strongbow cans...

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