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Posts posted by kittycat100

  1. we have a solid fuel stove we bought for T where you aren't even allowed bbqs! It worked fine.

    At Reading we usually bbq and have also had some success digging a 'firepuit' win which we build our campfire. Using metal bbq trays and grills we made an oven and cooked roast veg and focaccia a couple of years back. It was cool!

    Its about time this happened. Its the same the world over that the responsible people get penalised but at least they haven't banned fires yet!!

  2. I have no idea if the bands I am baout to list will class as 'not NME' enough for the thread, but here's who I would love to see filling up the line up. I have made no assessment of likeliohood to play or anything, and they are in no particular order:



    King Blues

    Seasick Steve

    The Living End



    Reel Big Fish


    Presidents of the USA

    Blink 182

    Faith No More....

    sure I'll think of loads more as time goes on tho!

  3. Last year I thought pretty much everything was as perfect as it could be. Space will always be an issue and it's a bugger, but thats just the nature of the event, I couldn't imagine it any other way, I didn't think it was too crowded.

    I think they could have sorted the mud probalam at leeds out much quicker than they did - it seemed like for Wednesday and Thursday nothing was being done, it was only on Friday I noticed them putting down that woodchip stuff.

  4. Hey Dan,

    I would like to say that the bridge was great last year, so well done to them for that.

    In terms of changes - can there be less people int he campsite? in fact everywhere?

    I've been every year since 2001 and never have I camped in so crowded a space! And we have camped in a very similar spot every year. We were there on wednesday and has plenty of space, but as people kep arriving they kept squeezing in and squeezing in. we even had to ask some people not to pitch their tent so we could actually get out of ours.

    This ramming in of people made it seem much more rowdy (in a bad way not a fun way) and really spoilt the weekend for us.

    The arena also seemed far too full, but it was more dealable with.

    Otrher thoughts I have had are:

    1. The food bit at T in the park where they have all local producers and the like is amazing, providing a much better selection of food, and better quality and value too. Any chance of getting localproducers involved at Reading?

    2. Ethical food sellers, has MF considered asking food suppliers to consider using free range eggs, british meat etc. I appreciate this would put prices up but it would give us punters a choice about where to spend out money.

  5. I would get in touch with FR and see what they say.

    I would say it depends if she is in pain.

    It might not speed healing but if it is not uncomfortable then she is more likely to have a good time.

    Also, she should make sure she takes a camping chair for the arena, then she can settle herself down som,ewhere and get all her mates to bring her drinks and food and stuff,e sp if its her b'day!

  6. Thanks for all the info!

    Not sure I want to book a ferry till I have found out whether we got Glasto tickets, can't afford to do both! But if it comes to it could always make it a bity of a holiday and go a couple of days early and B&B it somewhere I'm sure. Haven't been to the Isle of Wight since I was about 11!

    We're coming down from Sheffield, but will probably stop at my Mum's in Sussex, so probably head over from Portsmouth.

    I guess that as we didn't have to provide any info for it there is no major security system to stop us reselling the tickets if we do go to Glasto instead?

    I would sell for face value if at all possible as we didn't get the tickets to tout them on!

    Oh yes, when does the site open? Is it Thursday or friday?

    Cheers again guys, feel like such a 'noob'!

  7. Hi all!

    Been on efests for ages, but new to the IOW festi!

    Anyhoo, through a stange sequence of communication errors, I find myself the proud joint owner of 2 tickets (not such a bad thing, granted!). I have been to the Carling festival for the past 7 years, but know nothing about IOW. So can you lovely people tell me something about it?

    What is the site like?

    How many stages are there?

    What sort of food/drink is available

    What are the campsites like? and where is best to camp?

    How close to the parking do you camp?

    Is there a general FAQ thread for this festival? I know the general things about what to bring etc, but don't have a clue about the loigistics of this festi!

    It feels really wierd being so new to it again after so long!

    PS where do I need to get the ferry to? Cowes, or Ryde? or does it not matter?

  8. Not a good idea. If there's a case of fire or other need to evacuate your tent quickly, the seconds wasted trying to find your keys could well make a big difference.

    According to a fire safetly leaflet here:


    a fire can destroy a tent in 60 seconds - just a few seconds unlocking your zip could be fatal.

    I'm not saying don't lock your tent at night if it makes you feel safer, but please be aware of this and make sure you take enough precautions to ensure everyone will be able to get out!

  9. This is a serious point, if I was to wake up in the night at Reading, find two blokes going through my stuff, would I be legally entitled to whack them with the closest object to hand i.e my mallet? Or would I have to say I thought they were going to rape my girlfriend/ knife me etc?

    I think you have to be able to show you were in fear for your safety - so 2 randoms appearing menacing in the middle of the night could probably account for that.

    However, if you weallop one with your mallet and they take off, you then can't chase them and continue bashing them - cos the threat has been removed when they start to run.

    Simiolarly, if your first whack would render the guy unconscious, you would get in trouble for continuing to bash him.

    Of course, if just waking up and waving the mallet is enough to make them leg it then you can't hit them at all I'm afraid.

    Tjis is based on how I understand the rules for people in your house - not sure how they translate to tents, but I reckon you'd have a good argument for the situation being the same!

    That is brilliant :blink: Might have to nick that idea off you (and yours too benj!)

    Feel free to pinch away!

    Oh yes, if you do decide to lock your door when yopu are in the tent, please please please make sure its something you and all people in your tent can open and get out quickly.

    I have a massive fear of tent fires so could never lock myself in!!!

  10. As part of my work I get quite involved in aspects of crime prevention.

    A really good way of preventing any sort of acquisative crime is to either make it so that it is not wrothwhile for the criminal - e.g. the aim of blocking mobile phones is to get them blocked sof ast and in such a manner that there is no value in them for a criminal.

    The other aopproach is to increase the risk of being caught/the consequences if caught for the criminal. Thigs such as Smart Water etc work on thuis principle, as do CCTV, high Visibility security patrols etc etc

    Now obviously these aren't solutions to theft at festivals, and I'm drawing a blank on suggestions at present beyond what has already been mentioned. But these are directions that can and do work, if anyone has any ideas!!

    EDIT: just had a chat with a guy at work, bouncing some ideas around.

    The idea of locking your tent from the inside is good - but I'm too paranoid about tent fires!!

    What about buying a couple of bells (a matter of pennies from a haberdashery type shop) and attching them to the zip.

    This has 2 benefits. If its at night, the sound is more likely to wake you than the sound of the zip alone. Also, it will be a nopise the theif doesn't expect when unzipping the tent. This is likely to unnerve him - again based on perceived level of risk, more likely to alert any occupants or people nearby. Most offenders are likely to give up[ on the idea and target another tent.

    A slightly less budget option is a PIR (heat not movement based) shed alarm with a key code.

    Hang it in your tent, someone comes in it will emit the usual alrm warning beeps - again, likely to scare them off. However, the alarm would then go off and wake you, or annoy the neighbours if it happens when you're not there.

    Also would only work in tents with separate 'rooms' when you are in it.

    A similar idea is a personal attack alarm, pin part attached to the zip, main part taped to bottom of tent. zip opens, alarm goes off, but similar problems as the shed alarm. Guess it depends on how much you mind annoying people!!!

    Think I'm gonna be going with the bells!

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