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Posts posted by admscott

  1. 6 minutes ago, ericlered said:

    LCD are ludicrously overrated. How many years since the massively hyped final shows as well... is he short of a few bob?

    I think they're important to a lot of people. They were the correct amount of cool, unknown, and interesting. Pitchfork hailed them as the second coming, which I think has trickled through to the collective consciousness. Their film probably helped with that too.

    As for the reformation, does anybody have that James Murphy quote to hand? I can't find it.

    I didn't get the impression from the film that he had completely convinced himself that it was a good idea.

  2. 9 hours ago, themuel said:

    Amazing where is that from? I'm usually pretty good with Google but haven't done very well today. Is that official? 


    Edit - Oh I see that's a t shirt design. I've found the site it's from thanks very much. I think maybe there wasn't an official poster this year? Seems odd but it's even missing from an online collection of every line up poster ever. 

    Oo, where is this online poster collection?

  3. 33 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    They're an other headliner, but not a Pyramid headliner.

    Particularly not after releasing two records in succession that pretty much stiffed.

    You are almost certainly right. Imagine though...

  4. 24 minutes ago, russycarps said:

    lets hope so! Imagine if the festival had the spuds to book them as pyramid headliners! would be sensational.

    Shame they are a 3man act these days though


    I'd be there. As would a lot of the group I go with. I reckon they'd hold on to a decent sized crowd too.

  5. New Adventures in Hi-Fi
    Life's Rich Pageant
    Automatic for the People
    Out of Time
    Fables of the Reconstruction
    Collapse Into Now
    Around the Sun

  6. I'm in two minds about this one. Up for it, but in my experience MSP don't translate well when playing big/outdoor shows. That Holy Bible Cardiff Castle gig attracted the worst kind of drunken w*nkers that only a big Manics gig in Wales can. I think that effect would be compounded for Everything Must Go.

  7. Hello Alban. I've had a saggy ballsack for 2 years now. It's debilitating, but I've never let it get me down. Sometimes it gets so sweaty at the festival, I have to pull it up and tuck it over my entire penis. I look like an Action Man. But the thing is, the thing I never forget is, it that there's always hope. Hope that a product design student could design something that might help my affliction.

    *Stirring coldplay music*

    I'm crying with joy now. Not sadness. When I think of the power of hope. Of the power of dreams. And the way one man, one tiny, insignificant man with a saggy ballsack could - with the hope of prayer and the help of a product design student, with the hope of a glimmer of a chance...could change this old world we live in for the better.

    Please pm me your phone number and let's get started.



    Absolutely horrendous.

    My problem is that I read this and cannot go back to a time where I hadn't read this. Please sort it out.

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