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Posts posted by TiZuff

  1. can i get some Sunday night recommendations for late night activity please. my plans for electronic music thurs - sun is stuff like Bicep, Justice, Salute, Joy anonymous, eric prydz, Sophie Kourtesis, Barry Cant Swim, Adelphi Music Factory, 

    dont know too much about the sunday night line-up so open to recommendations! 

  2. 1 hour ago, Mr Boo said:

    How do you see that on CF?

    who else has a high percentage?


    donation feature. Coldplay, LCD, Bloc party,  Sugabaes, the streets. always add some % for the type of people who are not total glasto nerds like us. they normally will add 5-10% to more "commercial" acts. so yes expect avril to be even busier than the 47% suggests.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, westholtschic said:

    Well I have had probably the worst year , personally, of my life this year so far. We had to go home to Torbay at the beginning of February to nurse my father in law as he had Alzheimer’s and mother in law was his carer but was ill in hospital herself. He sadly and very much unexpectedly passed away at the end of April. We are all still in shock, as a family.

    Ive been lucky enough to have been volunteering at the farm since 2009 and it’s been my life, and everyone around me knew it!! This year I’ve not been interested in it until today after watching these clips from 2016. If they are half as good as 2016 I will be a happy man. Will probably blart the whole way through the set. Can’t wait now.

    2016 was insanely good. but hard to capture that moment again, it was brexit weekend, it was pissing it down and thye managed to be some light at the end of a dark tunnel. not even the biggest fan but that set was so so good. 

    I mean they are going to play the new album so just make peace with it now,. i reckon 4 songs though from the new one, BTS special guest which the whole world will care about but nobody at glasto will know who they are and then throw in a few more old school songs, plus some big special guests  and we got a good night on our hands

  4. 3 hours ago, foolee said:

    Yeah I’d like to know this.


    Would love for someone to create a thread showing the top 10/20 percentages on CF. 


    I think its frowned upon to post the full % on here due to it being a paid donation feature . But the highest / headliner / noteable% are as follows as of today (dont forget demograhpic of people using CF will be mostly people like us so you prob want to add some % to more popular music):


    LCD: 48%



    Bloc Party:41






    • Upvote 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Bike_Like_A_Mum said:

    I think the Pyramid is going to be pretty quiet overall to be honest... Dua and Coldplay will have big crowds but nothing like the historic biggest ones ever. Think there's actually dangerous potential for all of the other stages to be really packed at several points. There's brilliant stuff all over the place elsewhere. Really questioning the booking this year. 


    coldplay sitting at 48% on the core CF then take into account all the people who dont use a CF more than likely also going to coldplay ! Will not be elton big but it will be very very busy.

  6. 1 minute ago, Talcroft said:

    So far I am the only person I've seen online saying they're going to Jamie XX, and I don't have my shifts yet... Might be awful lonely when he's up against the clashes he is. And it's a long way from there to SE for techno night. 


    Arcadia field will close soon after Coldplay finish for Prydz. Can't see people stopping off in between. 


    you reckon? its a 3 hour wait . i think people will try catch something else somewhere else and head back for hot chip. 

  7. because the accent stands out so you notice it more. its a recognisable accent. nothing more to it. 

    always find it weird how scousers get a bad rep yet whenever i meet them they are the friendliest most open people at the festival. proper chill and can have a laugh with you even at their own expense. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. just play the classics boys with 2 songs from the new album, some big special guests and will be good. 


    please dont play that pride of the people song. please.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ncahir94 said:

    Spoilt for choice this year. The dance lineup is insane in my opinion. I’m shocked they weren’t on the initial lineup and they are everywhere this year. Surely it has to be them. I’d miss anyone for them 

    agreed, the dance options into the later hours (im talking all the way till 4am every night) are insane this year. dont know how the hell im going to survive friday nevermind mind the next 2 days. 

    I might just chill in woodsies all day sunday to energise for justice on sunday night. bands i like are on and its pretty relaxed.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ncahir94 said:

    I’d guess either Michael bibi or overmono. Praying for overmono tbh 


    dont do it this to me man.... overmono is prob the only name missing late night to make this one of the best late night offerings ever for me .

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