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Status Updates posted by Drivad

  1. @Radkey are such nice lads

  2. Bus driver stalled lol

  3. Someone sell/give me tickets for @example in Cardiff tonight? #please

  4. They're taking away our free special k in work. I'm going to kick right off

  5. Saw an incredibly fat person with braces (of the trouser variety.) They weren't needed practically, so they were being worn for style? #eh?

  6. Everyone is great and I have no opinion good or bad on anything or anyone. Please don't arrest or fire me

  7. Working in an office is shit

  8. #HarryPotterChatUpLines 'I'll show you my whomping willow if you let me in your forbidden forrest' #classy
  9. It's Tuesday and I'm with a number of people that is divisible by 2. Pizza it is

  10. Today I have found out that my nan is a big fan of wrestling and thinks oranges count as 'foreign food'

  11. The guy that had a stroke then turned gay should be a deep and emotional story, but its just too funny

  12. Party Club are so good

  13. That Tupac thing has blown my mind

  14. Morality choices suck dick

  15. Been playing mass effect for about 3 minutes and I'm already stuck, confused and bored

  16. Definitely need to stop leaving money on my card. I've just bought an egg poacher online, just because i could #rockandroll

  17. Dressing up as a cat for charity, as you do

  18. Alex Jones is insanely annoying

  19. Footlong sub for lunch? Damn straight, it's payday!

  20. Dad: 'joe, you're just like me, unwanted.' what a loving father

  21. How patronising, especially for a Scot #apprentice

  22. I hate everyone on the Apprentice this year #apprentice

  23. Mediafire seems to have stopped working. I'm going to cry

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