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Status Updates posted by tiffpietiff

  1. @JamieRoss7 oh, he's prepared to make cuts and he's because the hedge, and cuts, you see do you get it?

  2. and then you just have one of those days where you realise you're getting paid to write about haunted houses

  3. Bernie Sanders/Jeremy Corbyn slash fiction

  4. can only assume that when Corbyn gets in he's going to fuck Burnham, Cooper and the other one into oblivion

  5. break into a school, steal results envelopes, replace with envelopes containing only glitter #Alevelresults

  6. gonna spend the rest of my work day going through UN law to prove that this is torture

  7. I mean come the fuck on

  8. One hour left at work. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. An eternity. And then, freedom. @SecretGardenHQ

  9. I *really* hope this isn't illness I feel coming on @SecretGardenHQ

  10. RT @R_G_Lightfoot: @KingdomOfTheEgo @GabbleMC @LeisurePirates Bags packed (ish); fun batteries charged; nonsense capacity full to the brim.…

  11. Kicked out of the audition queue for #FantasticBeasts because apparently Hollywood isn't ready for a 12 y.o. girl played by a 22 y.o. man

  12. RT @mrjamesob: Classic splash but if your uncle made you do something inappropriate when you were a child, would you want The Sun to print …

  13. RT @dandgough: Person being served in front of me in Starbucks. "And what's your name?" "I'm not gay mate" "No, it's for the cup." "Oh."

  14. Interested to know whether @MhairiBlack or @DavidLammy will be taking that pay rise...

  15. also, saw my dress for @SecretGardenHQ (one of three costumes) last night. think patchwork psychedelia. a thing of true beauty

  16. .@realDonaldTrump this guy as president of the united states like, with access to nukes and everything

  17. good thing my 1-hour commute isn't going to become a 2-hour one tomorrow ha ha ha gentle sobbing #TubeStrike

  18. developing an unhealthy moderate appreciation for that Blank Space Taylor Swift song

  19. also, good job Google for almost perfectly replicating the effects of LSD with #deepdream

  20. Happy False Sense Of Security By Letting You Win But Really We Planted Giant Robots Underneath Your Cities Who Will Wake Up In 2044 Day

  21. Seriously, what listening to Heart FM has taught me: 1) GTA radio stations are literally more varied than modern stations 2) we need the BBC

  22. The Reddit Revolt even has its own "Let them eat cake" moment. In the 21st century, popcorn. https://t.co/9MKCkZt5Hu

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