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Posts posted by beesboy

  1. Ditto. I think last years mud definitely put paid to our group seeing as much of the site as we would have liked too, but our plan for this year is to do more wandering and exploring on the Wednesday/Thursday.

    We've also decided to do it in fancy dress to add to the fun. There's 23 of us in our group so it will take some organising but should be a laugh!

  2. Glad to see Chic getting so much deserved love, they are absolutely phenomenal live. I saw them at Bestival in 2010 and at the WHP in 2011, they smashed it both times. If they play I will be dragging as many people as I can to see them.
  3. Notice how fans of certain genres of music get shot down in flames by the old guard with the implication that you really should know better young man!

    Come on guys, you must surely realise the huge amount of support that Daft Punk would have if they played? Putting them anywhere other than the 2 main stages would just be stupid, and like them or not, there will be 1000's of people rocking out to a fantastic audio and visual set, and would probably leave a number of the other bands being touted as suitable headliners looking pretty poor by comparison.

    I don't believe this will happen but if it does I would put a lot of money on this set being talked about as one of the most memorable in recent Glastonbury history, and for all the right reasons, rather than remember how shit the Rolling Stones were or how boring Radiohead were (again).

  4. It just be a more alternative /less mainstream act that are fairly big to split the crowd a bit....Stevie Wonder/u2 never had anyone that big against them...so i don't see why the stones would!

  5. Last year we were staying in a campsite outside the main gate and on the Friday night I lost my ticket in Shangri La. It was around my neck outside my hoodie and I took my hoodie off! Anyway they double wristbanded me as a way of identifying me as someone who'd lost their ticket. I never really understood why they didn't use this system for everyone and then you wouldn't need to worry about your ticket. Maybe a cost issue! But I had to get a pass out each day in the normal way and then had the hassle every day of explaining to Stewards what the double wristband was for.

  6. There's 23 in our group and I managed to get tickets for all of us. Got through 3 times in quick succession. Last year there were 10 and 8 of those are going again. The others heard all the stories and couldn't stay away any longer. I think there's 9 Glasto virgins in the group so it should be a lot of fun.

    We're just working on a fancy dress theme for one of the days. A human centipede has been suggested but I'm not sure I could cope with that, as funny as it would be!

  7. Apologies if I've caused offence by slagging off your favourite band mate but I really can't stand them. But my missus loves them so we'll be splitting up on whichever night they headline if it happens.

    I've never seen The Stone Roses and would love to, probably for a lot of the same reasons people would go and see the Stones. As for Prince, I guess we can dream. Daft Punk seem more of a possibility this year than ever before with the forthcoming new album so fingers crossed.

    Just realised that the only Pyramid headliner I saw last year was Beyonce and that was under protest. So I could certainly cope again next year without any Pyramid action. There's loads more going on, let's face it.

  8. If I had 3 choices regardless of whether they are realistic I'd go for Prince, Daft Punk and the Stone Roses as the 3 acts I'd most like to see headline next year. But only one of these is probably even likely.

    My comment was in relation to someone saying that the Stones, Radiohead and Mumford & Sons was something for everyone! I just mentioned that if those 3 headlined I wouldn't watch any of them.

    I do appreciate that the Stones would be massive but I just don't get it. They were good once. A long time ago.

  9. Ok let me re-phrase what I said.

    If I had a gun to my head and had to watch one of these three bands at next years Glasto I would definitely 100% choose Mumford & Sons.

    If you make me watch Radiohead you may as well shoot me anyway! And the Stones are 40 years too late.

  10. I really hope that Daft Punk are at Glasto next year and you know what, I don't care what stage and what slot they play as long as they play. When you get people making arguments for the likes of the Stones, Radiohead (ffs), Mumford & Sons, etc. etc there's quite clearly a need for a proper, bop your arse off & get off your tits dance act and let's face it they don't come much better than DP. Throw in some stuff from Discovery as well as their new stuff from their forthcoming album which I assume they would insist on playing and I defy you not to stomp around!

  11. Half way through the Chemical Brothers set and a girl in our group who loves Ket was absolutely wasted and in the K hole. A couple of us were holding her up while she frothed at the mouth and her eyes rolled in her head and this guy taps me on the shoulder and says "it's probably the wrong time to ask but have you got any pills I could buy".

    Even at the time a little smile spread across my face and once she was back with us we all thought his timing was hysterical.

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