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Posts posted by Leedspete

  1. Teacher friend said it was her brother's wedding to get time off after starting at new school. In the middle of the crowd on Saturday watching Dizzie Rascal she got onto her bf's shoulders. They said they were clever and she faced away from the stage whereas everyone else always faces the stage. Yeah I said, great, all the cameras face the stage, meaning you were more likely to be seen. She worried about it for the rest of the festival. Turned out OK in the end, she got another job eventually. ;)

  2. If youve already done all exams and coursework, theres nothing you can do to control it, and my motto is dont worry about what you cant change. Forget about your results til the time, and enjoy Glastonbury. Itll be 2 years til you can go back and youll regret it if you dont enjoy it to the max. Good luck

  3. Stop at the first services on the way home for a BK or McDonalds (can't remember which it is!). Drop stuff at home, pick cat up from "holiday" (the woman at the cattery calls their little kitty prisons chalets which I find funny every year) then generally sort the washing out and pile everything else up until we can be bothered.

    Might be a different timetable this year as on the Thursday I'm on a 3-day stag do in Amsterdam - no Glasto comedown for me this year! 3 nights in Dam with a dance festival on the Sunday. The comedown will be a combined mutha of muthas.

  4. Did it last year. My OH always tells people we were at Glastonbury when I proposed. We don't go anywhere else that we think is so special, and it's a big part of our lives, and always likely to be.

    In answer to the big T's question, yes of course. Hope when you lose your virginity you can start to answer these type of questions on your own. :P

  5. Listening to a few new people based on some of the stuff at the festival. Liking Yuck, although they annoy me to look at, don't know why!

    Will be delving into all the Morrissey back catalogue shortly. Weirdly started buzzing when someone put a U2 CD on at a bbq yesterday, did not expect that.

  6. First two albums great, 2005 - absolutely loved them, and was a real highlight. 2011 - everything else they've done since has passed me by.

    Maybe it was just because that music was really important to me and the gf of the time, I haven't listened to them in years now.

    All the girls (by that I mean females) in our group are off to watch Coldplay, leaving me and the other male to watch Chemical Brothers. I think we'll be having more fun.

    The girls in our group who haven't seen them will have a great time I'm sure, I won't be missing Chems this year for anything less than death!

  7. Received the "high volumes involved...processing tickets in stages" email with the DX link.

    The tracking number quoted on the email WILL NOT WORK when you enter it on the DX website, even though after you've entered it it then prompts you for your postcode, or at least it didn't do in my case.

    I emailed See a while ago to track the tickets, and they gave me a different tracking number (although they quoted the same numbers as on the above email as well).

    I entered the different number and got a will be delivered by 10th June message.

  8. Thanks LeedsPete, I should maybe watch my tongue my sarcasm can be quite bad. Good advice tho and I am sure I will do my own bit of bumping, the thought of the crowds scares me a little bit as not being something this big before. I am going to definately keep your advice in mind

  9. Both will be heaving.

    Not a lot of choice for me for the last gig at Glastonbury for 2 years. People I'm with won't watch QOTSA, Nobody will watch Beyonce. Will probably find a much smaller stage, want something uplifting and memorable for the last act, anyone got any suggestions? I'm even considering The Streets, but wouldn't be a choice normally.

  10. 2 cars leaving Leeds at now traditional time of 12am Tuesday night. Nice leisurely drive down with a couple of stops during the night and hopefully on site around 6am.

    Others coming on coach leaving Weds am arriving anytime from 3pm onwards.

  11. http://leeds09.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    This is me and my very better half Debbie. Not surprisingly we live in Leeds and my name is Pete.

    There's usually been an extended group of around 20 or 30 but this year we're down to about 7 or 8, which I'm looking forward to more for some reason.

    We're always to be found on the seats at the start to West Holts around 11am each morning for a Brothers breakfast. We do visit the Cider Bus area and if we're around there at the right time it's likely I'd come and say hello, I'm not shy. But I find it hard to meet up with people I've known for years once I'm there, so much to do!

    I am not a used car salesman.

  12. We camped near the lock ups just the other side of the fence from the big house. Our friends always camp here but it was the first time we had. It is a helluva hike to Shangri La etc but really good for commutes to Dance, Other, Glade, Stone Circle and of course Park.

    It's very chilled, and where were is such a good spot it seems too quiet at times so this year I've insisted we camp nearer the path!

    Liked it a lot, and will go there again, and it's got to be good for me to give up our old spot near the flushing toilets for those middle of the night trips! :)

  13. Didn't journey to the Park last year so missed it on Friday, which was a big regret. But if it's Pulp, which has to be the favourite, I have seen them at their peak so couldn't miss Morrisey who I've never seen.

    Knowing my luck it'll be Arcade Fire or Foo Fighters and Mozzer will walk off after two songs. :D

    Pulp - likely

    Arcade Fire - just not happening this time

    Strokes - nailed on for 2013 I reckon

    Jay Z - could be

    Dre - highly unlikely but would be gutted to miss it

    Foos - hope not!

  14. I only went once before the fence which was 1999. Other people I know who did go in 2000 said it was OK as long as you were careful.

    There definitely was a more lawless feel to it after dark before the fence. You'd sometimes be approaching an area and just think "we'd better avoid or go the long way round" especially if you had a few girls in your group. We were generally just three lads so didn't see any trouble.

    Just the same as other late night places like city centres I suppose, and something you don't get there now, it seems unbelievably safe at all times.

    As to the Scouse debate, the only time I've seen any trouble was 2005 when we knocked around for a bit with a big group of scousers we met on the Friday night, just 1 or 2 girls and about 7 or 8 lads. On the Saturday one of them peed next to someone's tent (yes very antisocial) and must have slipped and fell over and splashed the tent. The guy in the tent got out and headbutted him, hard, and the guy came back with blood all down his face. The other lads were obviously "interested" to know who'd done it, and I feared the worse. They all just called him a dickhead for peeing in the wrong place and said he deserved it, which he agreed as with as well. It wasn't the reaction I expected, but I all thought better of them for it, as plenty of people (scouse or not!) would have rushed over to cause trouble.

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