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Posts posted by Leedspete

  1. We did the last 30 miles or so by taxi, train and bus this year. This was due to breaking down on the M5 and the car being completely kaput.

    I think I'd like the idea of staying in Taunton on the Wednesday night in a B&B, and then setting off early on Weds morning. Despite all the stress, the actual getting in at gate A was the easiest I've ever had.

    Only bad thing is that we had to leave some stuff in the car, as we had to carry everything. I didn't find this a problem, but the OH did!

    I couldn't use a trolley on public transport, it would be a nightmare. I think maybe they could open the site on the Tuesday for public transport people, now that would encourage people to use it.

  2. My wife is pregnant and I've always had this romanticised view of how great it'll be to take a baby there, but I changed my mind this weekend. Looks doubly hard in the mud and a lot of mothers and children looked really fed up. The lad on his dad's shoulders air drumming to QOTSA was ace though

  3. My friend just called and said "I felt like I needed to speak to someone as being at home feels lonely!"

    I know what he means, yesterday felt weird not having a drink before lunchtime or going for a pee around 200 yards from where I slept.

    Floor's nice and dry though. :D

  4. Very red and peeling nose

    Blisters only on one foot

    Woke up this morning with extremely severe cold and throat - meant to be going to Amsterdam on Friday morning, I wouldn't be going if it was today so hopefully I'll get better!

    Strudders and Mirandamayhem - Deepest sympathy for all your serious problems, it can't be nice getting home with all that's happened.

  5. Met a couple of them, one was just sitting in West Holts, the other was a nice Aussie lad who gave us one of the cigarette holders, which I always use. It was in exchange for a £2 donation this year, am I right in thinking they've been free before? Might be why not many people use them if so.

    Also saw them in action with a guy peeing in the hedge in the Stone Circle. When they challenged him he threw his can of lager at them and ran off!

    But as he was pissed up and they were all young and sober he didn't get far before he fell over. They then sat with him and had what looked like a good natured chat. Was very funny and maybe it might be one person who MAY have thought about it again as he was made to look stupid.

    Definitely would be a good idea for more of them walking around the camping areas, with security being called for any abuse they get.

  6. That sounds great but it didn't work in practice - Sat night both the signs and the WorthyFM twitter feed said 60 minutes at the time we joined the queue which didn't seem to bad but we then waited for closer to 2 hours before we were just told to go away as it was too full. The most annoying part was whilst queuing we were constantly mislead by being told by someone on the loudspeaker "sorry for the delay whilst we assess numbers, please bear with us and we will get you moving and inside shortly" which kept us, and hundreds of others, there rather then giving off and going off to enjoy ourselves elsewhere.

  7. Me and my brother went over on Thursday night. We were expecting it to be heaving as there wasn't much entertainment other than Dance Village. But we joined the queue and it went in 15. Then there was about a 2mile treck to actually get there, when we did it was the worst mud I have seen all festival, was great seeing everyon in fancy dress getting stuck.

    We went to see Example on Friday as it said in the programme, which happened to nt be friday but saturday morning.

  8. What were your experiences with the new queuing system?

    I'm intrigued as to how well/badly it went!

    I never experienced them myself as we either didn't go. Or went before the one way system started!

  9. Despite a lukewarm crowd Mozzer doing "There is a Light" and "This Charming Man". Two of my favourites ever and never seen him before.

    Thursday night especially and Saturday night in the Rabbit Hole. Apologies to all bothered by the tall bald Ajax footy top wearing sweaty bloke, I could not stop speaking to anyone that was within a short distance, and even those that were further away!

    Sitting on the hill watching Pulp, the atmosphere was superb.

    "Out of Control" and the rest of the Chemical Brothers.

    "Go with the Flow" by QOTSA.

    Discovering the bar down by the Cabaret Tent opposite the Sensation stage. Very chilled, especially the barstaff who were almost horizontal.

    Sorry, these are just a small number of the moments, I enjoyed it that much.

  10. I asked a few first timers if it lived up to their expectations. Only 1 said he wouldn't come again for a few years, but only because he was put off by the sheer scale of it all.

    Yes make the effort, you're meant to be taking part in something, and if people just wandered around just speaking to their friends it would be very boring.

    I'm so positive for the whole thing, after a bit of a quiet one last year this one exceeded all expectations despite a difficult start.

  11. I second 'festival liam' she seemed so humble.

    Never really listen to her but how could you not have a little dance, especially the destinys child part, but being 20 maybe I was just reliving being llike 8!

    It put us all in high spirits for the start to an amazing last night :)

    However coldplay was deff the best headliner.

  12. Several people jumped into deep mud to help pull my OH and our Ket-headed friend who dragged her into it on the Saturday night. And then helped me out when I got stuck.

    For our own good deeds picked up randoms all weekend from all over the site, many more collapsed people than usual I thought this year, which I like!

    One that sticks in my head was getting a girl out of the mud on the Friday night near the toilets on right hand side of the Park as you go down the hill. It took me and the OH five or ten minutes to get her out as she kept falling back over again. The guy she was with just stood a few metres away on dry land watching us all fall over! Cheers mate!

  13. Hate the thought of leaving anything behind, and that includes bags of rubbish which we put by the bins. A friend left an airbed and a sleeping bag this year. I at least shamed them into putting away into a bag properly.

    I hate walking everything back out again, but that's the price you pay for a good time!

  14. Disagree about the accents.

    On the Thursday night we met two separate groups of Dutch people, all in the UK solely for Glasto. Two separate groups of Aussies and one group of New Zealander's, a group from Ireland, a couple of Scots and some Welsh girls.

    Yes there are a lot of Geordies (could also be from boro or Sunderland), Scousers (could also be from North Wales) and middle England types (who knows with that accent).

    Also met lots of people from Leeds, I just notice the accent, hence striking up conversations with them.

  15. Was right at the back and sounded and looked great. Super level of performance that I've never seen from them before, really tight and nothing negative to say!

  16. No it was great.

    We have lost our car, possibly permanently due to a serious fault that happened around 10 - 20 miles away. We then had to get a taxi, train and bus from Taunton with all our stuff, without knowing if we could get towed back free of charge.

    There wasn't even a seconds thought given to us not going, despite my OH's distress at the time. Because it is Glastonbury and it is the best.

    I thought the people were better than usual and met all sorts who were, without question, all lovely. Yes, I do talk to people who are on drugs, but not exclusively! Maybe you're not going to the right places?

    Oh dear, people brought wellies and waterproofs? What a bunch of w*nkers eh?

    As for the mud, it caused real problems on the Saturday night on the way out of the Avalon area as people went back round to leave the area via the railway line and there was a moment when I really feared the worst when a few people fell over and some more fell over them.

    As for nudity and drugs being sold/given away, I saw plenty. Didn't see any fights, and I would be shocked if I ever did!

  17. Go to a Big Yellow or other type of storage place. Buy a roll of pallet wrap and use that. Tie start of it to the handle of the trolley and double knot tightly and then mummify from top to bottom.

    This has the advantage (if done correctly) of meaning that if the trolley falls over, everything falls as one thing and separate things don't all slide off.

    Just don't forget to take the roll with you in case you get asked to unwrap it at the gates.

    I can't recommend this method enough over bungee cords, they are not to be trusted!

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