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Status Updates posted by Bisque

  1. watching The Inbetweeners Movie with my mum (started drinking to avoid cringe)

  2. I should avoid drunk texts

  3. I'm not going out, not even out out

  4. we like to sleep all day & party all night, this is how we like to live lives, I've got a feeling every things going to be all right... unless your on standby

  5. I am literally Nur & Andy's pet dog right now

  6. London right now is looking great in the sunshine

  7. Sun, Sex and Bloody Proud Parents more like

  8. Wi-Fi in Lagos! New hotel is nice except nothing in my room works & my bath is closer to my bed than the bedside table. Lovely crew to cheer me up though.

  9. flight back from Havana with no water loaded... no tea & coffee!

  10. thanks to Virgin Atlantic's boarding music I've now discovered The Black Keys!

  11. never would you normally hear me say this... come on Arsenal! (& Chelsea)

  12. watching The Inbetweeners Movie again, there will be a summer holiday!

  13. off to Cape Town to see Luke Shapiro, eat steak & drink wine

  14. I think I've seen every single band I'd want to see at Reading, at Reading or Bestival last year.

  15. Kavos & Bestival it is!

  16. what time is it?

  17. I'm flying all the way to Montego Bay then back to Kingston-Upon-Thames, then Gatwick...? Meg fail. Maybe Kingston in Jamaica?

  18. 30 degrees, relaxing by the pool in Jamaica

  19. Here tonight I clock a thousand heads, here to unite through common dreads!

  20. listening to Hospital 2012 in prep for Hospitality @ Brixton Academy - 06.04.12

  21. Enjoying the sunshine in Brighton

  22. just had to walk home in the dark, though the woods after watching Scream 4, it wasn't fun

  23. far too early for the LA flight

  24. new Punk'd looks brilliant

  25. brilliant LA trip

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