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Posts posted by Georgeh

  1. I was in CV east 19 & all neighbour's were great apart from one tosser who was part of a large group consisting of caravan & 4 tents pitched behind us. Whilst sat outside our van enjoying a splif on Thursday morning he crawled out of his tent & started pissing between the back of our van & his groups caravan. I had a right go at him telling him "I didnt want to live in a bucket of piss for the next four days, even if he did". He then replied "yeah yeah yeah what ever". At this point I boiled & said very loudly so the rest of his group & many others could hear "If I had a dick that small I would be ashamed to get it out in public & if he pissed anyware near my pitch again he would return to find contents of my chemical toilet emptied inside his tent & it contain more than piss".

    Somehow from then on he managed to walk the 30 yards to the loo's. Rest of the group were fine & always spoke, but he didnt speak or look me in the eye again.

  2. you shouldn't have much trouble finding it as long as you make a mental note where it is & how far from you are pitched from the gate or field entrance. Plus your car will be parked along side your caravan so you should defiantly realise its yours. Many have flags but a lot of flags look the same when your s**t faced & its dark.

  3. This time next week i'll be onsite sitting in the evening sun outside my caravan drinking a few beers having enjoyed various chucks of red meat from the BBQ & getting to know the people who will be my neighbours for the next few days.

  4. I have just watched a 5 minute sample of Fat Boy Slim at Rockness at the weekend. It has made my mind up to see him now on the friday at Glasto. Any one else coming along? B)

  5. I dont know about loads but there was one located by the top of the hill of death last year, and it stunk like hell. Not only did I have to put up with a long walk with a porta potti cassette, I then had the splash back and stench to deal with. Rotten job
  6. PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol: best one yet. Why would anyone want/need it.

    Enjoy, relax, get trashed & forget the world outside the perimeter fence.

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