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Posts posted by Georgeh

  1. As well as checking it prior remember to take it all with you - i have friends who are at Rockness at mo, have huge tent with living area, sleeping area and porch bit and they forgot to take the inners!! So have a huge big tent with 2 tiny pop up tents inside (i tried not to laugh to much!)

  2. I bought a Car Park ticket just in case I needed to drive to Glasto. Turns out I don't (yay!) so i'm planning on just giving the sticker to a steward or too someone who needs it when I get there. Hopefully this will give me some good karma and it will be sunny all weekend!

  3. latest reply a few minutes ago and it now seems we have gone from nothing to loads more family fields than ever before!!

    "We are sorry for all this confusion. I can now confirm that there will be family camping fields in the East side of the site, these are - East 20/23/22/25/13.

    I think the confusion came from there not being a designated area shown clearly on the online map we have on our website. You will be asked when you arrive on site whether you would prefer standard or family camping.

    We are sorry for any hassle this has caused.


    Glastonbury Festival


    Love the Farm - LEAVE NO TRACE"

  4. I understand your concerns, but i dont see much differnce between being at the festival or at home going about your normal life. The medical cover at Glasto is excellent & I,ve seen loads of women in various states of pregnacy each time i,ve been to any festival. If i remember right, there was a baby born at G last year.

    All the best with whatever you's decide to do....

  5. As the car park is a field its unlikely to have a post code but the info below is from the festival website. Use the post codes given & then follow the signs. There are signs & stewards everywhere & you will easily find the route to the west car parks. Your car park ticket will inform you of the route colour.


    • From London: M3 then A303 and A37. (Sat Nav TA11 7DP).

    • From the North East: A1 or M1, M25 to M3 (Junction 12), then A303 and A37. (Sat Nav TA11 7DP)

    • From the Midlands: Preferably M40 and A34 to A303 and A37. (Sat Nav TA11 7DP)

    • From the North West: M6, M5 to A39 (Junction 23) then A361. (Sat Nav BA6 9XE)

    • From Wales: M4, M5 to A39 (as above) (Sat Nav BA6 9XE)

    • For more local traffic using the A37 North or A361 East (Sat Nav BA4 4LY)

    It is important that you approach the site on the side that you want to park. Using local roads to get to the opposite side of the site causes delays so use main roads that are well away from the site. A few extra miles travelled further away can save hours in queues near to the site. Always follow the directional signs, variable message signs and park where directed by staff.


    There are four main entrances for cars, depending upon where you are coming from. Follow the P signs to get to the nearest available parking spaces. Sometimes parking staff have to fill some of the car parks further from the site before some that are closer. This is done to keep traffic moving on the public highways and keep us at peak parking capabilities for as long as possible. It is random dependent upon the traffic on the highway at that time so you cannot plan to park in a particular parking field.

    If you have a choice, use the Blue Route (approach from the A303, then the A37), where there is more parking space and less of a queue to get in and out of the site.

    The worst time to arrive by car is between 7am and 2pm on Wednesday. In 2010 at peak times, the A39 queue to get into car parks took several hours, while it took less than an hour for those travelling on the A37.

  6. Found a pair of jeans outside my camper van last year with nothing but £80 & a packet of skins in the pocket. Kept the jeans, money & skins in CV in case someone came asking if they had been found but no one did, so went home £80 better off.

  7. I remember getting mine around this time last year & likewise some people were still waiting upto a week before the festival.

    My tracker says: "Tickets are in stock and will be despatched shortly to:" I'm just thankful that I got tickets & when there turn up doesnt relly matter as long as they do......

  8. Had some excellent food last year but the most memorable was the excellent freshly baked cheese rolls stuffed with about 4 rashers of bacon from the bakery just round from gate C, I think it was called Pilton Village Bakery. Ate butty whilst walking down to cider bus & top off with a pint on ice cold cider, a perfect way to start the day. I also took a liking to the Cornish Strawberries & Clotted cream & the Yeo Valley frozen Yogurt.

  9. Trainers in dry weather, normal wellies in wet weather. Walking boots are surprisingly (for me anyway) very uncomfortable at festivals, not sure why, maybe just the megamix of mud/solid pathways/standing still/dancing!

  10. The trek isn't that bad. We leave in the morning and don't return to the van until the early hours. Save your pennies and look for a cheap secondhand one. Ideally get one small enough that you can use it as a dailly driver. It also makes for nice weekend breaks as well as other holidays.

  11. I must have been lucky! arrived in CV E19 on Tuesday evening had early night & up at 6, took a walk to E23 PGC & saw the already forming que, thought f**k that & went back to the van for breakfast. Just after 7am i noticed security were holding people off in E19 & the que was getting quite long. At just before 9am they let the E19 que go. I left the van at 9.10 & was in having a pint of Cider outside the Summerset cider bus by 10am.

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