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Posts posted by Digi

  1. 23 hours ago, sheffinghell said:

    This is pretty much what a friend said to me this morning! Still looking forward to tonight, but may have been spoiled by having seen Richard Hawley on very good form in a small venue earlier this week. Not the biggest fan of big gigs, but it's Sheffield, so had to be done. 

    What did you think? We were there last night too and I actually thought they were brilliant. I'd read so many mixed reviews that I was a bit worried but we were really pleasantly surprised by how good they were. I mean, we are never going to get more than a few words out of Alex but he has always been the same. I don't even think it's about him being too cool - I think he just can't do it. As a front man, I actually think he has gotten better at it over the years 


    Still slightly gutted I miss A Certain Romance on Friday. I was at Heaton Park for Courteeners. AM blew them out of park 

  2. 3 hours ago, Baggins7 said:

    Ritz to the rubble tonight. Glasto setlist could be insane 

    Think I've knackered my back jumping up and down on hearing the opening bars. I've seen them a good few times over the years - tonight was probably my favourite seeing them. The band are really tight, Alex's voice really strong and the setlist just flows really well. The sound was absolutely perfect. 


    I was at Courteeners last night at Heaton Park. The 2 gigs were chalk and cheese. Liam et al could learn a thing from them. I mean, last night was a great singalong but totally mediocre in comparison 


    Even more gutted I'm ticketless now 

  3. 14 hours ago, briddj said:

    Two feet first straight in with A Certain Romance tonight.

    Seeing them tomorrow (tonight). I've honestly dreamed of hearing this for weeks and have religiously been checking the setlists. Just home from another gig and have seen it. A teeny weeny bit optimistic I'll hear it tomorrow and I'll be a whole lot gutted if I don't considering that they are switching up the opener 

  4. 10 hours ago, Flaminglippy said:

    This will probably be a hugely unpopular suggestion but for a subheadliner on main stage one night how about Squeeze? They have some proper singalong bangers! 

    I would be all over that! I absolutely love them - they remind me so much of my mum who loved them too 🙂

  5. On 6/8/2023 at 7:56 AM, Flaminglippy said:

    Anybody else filled in the survey they sent? Felt like I rambled on for ages! 

    Filled it in a couple of days ago. My head is still firmly implanted up their arses I gushed that much 🤣


    I'm another who also mentioned about bringing your own booze as an answer to the question about what may make you not attend. Increased capacity, increased security and police presence and booze... would totally change the demographic and vibe 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Perks said:


    Paul Heaton Beautiful South Sunday Pallet headliner next year, think that would be perect.

    That would be brilliant. I've seen him a few times and I have never seen him anything other than awesome - it would be an incredible singalong ❤️

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  7. 1 hour ago, theciderviking said:

    Say what you like about Coldplay, that was incredible! 🤩



    I saw them on Wednesday night - absolutely joyous ❤️ 

    There was a time when I'd tell everyone I couldn't stand Coldplay until I was coerced into seeing them at Glastonbury in 2016. My son asked me to just give them 10 minutes and if I hated it he'd come somewhere else with me. I stayed for the full set and they were amazing. I mean, I'm never going to be queuing on Record Store Day to buy merch or anything- but they are fantastic live 🙂

  8. 24 minutes ago, shoptildrop said:

    This was my 1st festival in 4 years and 1st one without my Andy (as he past suddenly last year after his 50th 😞 ) went with glamping option as even though was catching up with friends at points, I knew I would be on own and didn't want to set up our lovely tent just for me...

    Whilst is was hard at times especially on the Sunday as I just wanted Andy to be there with me, he's always in spirit as I have some of his ashes in a necklace aka his mobile home but obviously not the same

    I did have a great time, Witch Fever, Elvana, EMF to name a few were fantastic, loved Big Ed, the silent disco and the karaoke at the knockerdown tent - was there pretty much every night murdering Bon Jovi wanted dead or alive, Simple Minds don't you forget about me with a bit of Cranberries zombie and Kate Bush to boot (given I've never done karaoke ever in public until this year I could get enough of it 🙂 )

    Bar choice was not as varied as last time I went in 2019 but it was still pretty decent and spent small fortune!! I opted for greek gyros a few times, pie, crispy duck wrap (overpriced imo), great toastie place on way to woodland and finally had a goan fish curry - did think £12 for a main meal was a bit steep but guess it was inevitable

    All in all had a great time despite my personal circumstances, but I do think the changes they made this year worked well particularly the Meadow (spent alot of time there) and the silent disco..

    Oh and nearly buggered myself up on Jaipur on the 1st day, that stuff is lethal!! 🤪 

    The 'some like it hot' toastie was just elite ❤️ I'm sure it's the same place as opposite Leftfield at Glastonbury. I usually go for a toastie, a wine from the wine bar next door and then head in to Leftfield to listen to the late morning debates 🙂

    I'm really glad you managed to have happy moments despite the sadness 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Flaminglippy said:

    If they were taking notice of the band t shirts this year think Idles would be very popular (first time I can remember seeing more t shirts other than NMA). 

    If we are going by band t shirts, Ferocious D will be on every stage in every slot! 🤣

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  10. 2 hours ago, Nobody Interesting said:


    You are not the only ones who have found this - us and many others used to go to GF, and now don't. BT is GF in a small beautifully shaped package

    This was pretty much exactly the conversation our group all had. It was like they had taken all of the things we love so much about Glastonbury, left out the bits we hate and put them all in a field and made it manageable. 

    We absolutely loved the vibe. My friend was incredulous when I told her that, at nearly 50, I have NEVER dressed up in fancy dress. It's just never really appealed for whatever reason. We are already planning our outfits for next year. We had serious fancy dress envy on Sunday 

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  11. First timer here and absolutely loved it. Its been a sh*t 12 months. My mum died just before Glastonbury last year then we didn't get tickets in November. We had just bought Bearded tickets and a couple of weeks later my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer. As an only child, I took a career break and have spent the last few months living with him to get him through treatment. Up until a fortnight before, I was having to tube feed him so wasn't sure we would get there

    Dad is doing great, and I'm so thankful for getting to spend a few days in a field where I could just breathe again. I've been to a fair few gigs and festivals over the years but I'm certain that was the best organised. We never encountered any queues, any litter or any knobheads. The line-up was great but what made it even better was the demographic. 

    We actually came away feeling OK about a lack of Glastonbury tickets which I never thought I'd say. It might be post-festival euphoria, and just gratitude for getting to do what I love after having to cancel so many plans recently, but I genuinely think I enjoyed it more than I have done Glastonbury which can be really bloody hard work 

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  12. I'm trying really hard to be a grown up about it, but you can currently trip over my pouting lip. Told me my card was declined once and then payment details entered twice, authorisation code twice, and still nothing 

    I would rather not have even gotten through to the booking page than be kicked out after paying 

  13. 31 minutes ago, Superunknown said:

    Sorry hadn’t even seen your post! Hope you’re feeling better. 

    Good thing about Frank is you’re probably only ever about 6 months away from the next time he tours!

    Ha! You're absolutely right 🙂

    3 times I've managed to miss him this year. Album launch in April I had a stomach bug. Sheffield 3 weeks or so ago I had a chest infection, and Manchester on Tuesday. I was actually ready to go and pick my son up to go and figured I'd grab something to eat - couldn't taste a thing so figured I better test just in case. I felt fine but going anyway wasn't really an option for me. I'm a nurse - our covid admissions over the last 3 weeks have quadrupled and we are back to having to cancel surgery as we have no beds. I'd just be adding to the issue

    Feel like I've been hit by a bus now though 

    Ah well - I did manage to see him in Leeds 😀 I have defintely seen him more than any other artists. I think it's the universe's way of telling me to listen to some new music for gods sake! 

  14. On 10/12/2022 at 6:58 PM, theciderviking said:

    Oh no, sorry to hear that, and hope you're not feeling too rough! 😞

    Here's a little teaser for you - my first time hearing it live, seemed so very fitting just now. 



    10 hours ago, cidy said:

    On way home from frank turner Bristol gig ,fantastic as always honestly dont think there is a harder working genuine performer than him gives every gig his all ,would nail a headline slot on the park stage with skinny lister lottery winners and louis dunford before him absolute belter of an evening that would be .



    1 hour ago, Superunknown said:

    Yeah saw him on Tuesday in Manchester. Was in two minds about going as I’ve seen him loads now and didn’t think there was much left to see but always forget how genuinely fantastic his live show is and how effortlessly he gets the crowd up for it. Really glad I went in the end, probably end up grabbing a ticket for his smaller shows tour next year as well. 


    1 hour ago, Gnomicide said:

    I was the same with this tour. I spent so long deciding if I should go and watch him yet again that the Liverpool gig sold out before I decided to go.

    I sort of wasn't bothered but it was eating away at me, what else would I be doing on a Saturday night, watching Stictly? So I ended up getting a couple off Twickets 2 days before and had an absolute blast. 

    I'll be trying for Buckley later.


    1 hour ago, Superunknown said:

    Exact same as you, didn’t even get the tickets until on the day but saw a couple of cheap ones pop up and thought why not, had a great time. 

    I think I’ll do the same, live in Manchester but from Wrexham so nice excuse to pop back home. 

    None of you are making me feel any better! Seriously, glad you all had a great time 😊

    14 hours ago, charlierc said:

    Was there a pre-sale for this? Interested by the Northampton show on this run having not been to any of the shows I had considered on this cycle.

    I grabbed them through a Live National presale 

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  15. On 10/10/2022 at 12:58 PM, WestCountryGirl said:

    Sounded fine from where I was up on the balcony! Hope you have a great time at the show tomorrow 🙂


    On 10/10/2022 at 4:00 PM, theciderviking said:

    I'm heading to Manchester tomorrow too, and was similarly worried by some of the posts talking about poor sound, so thanks @WestCountryGirl for the reassurance, and hopefully see you there @Digi

    Tested positive yesterday afternoon. Took myself off to isolate in the spare bed and held a pity party for one whilst watching the setlist be updated on Setlist.fm. I'm still not over missing out on 'Thatcher Fucked the Kids'.... again!

    Just managed to grab tickets for York in January 🙂

  16. 20 minutes ago, WestCountryGirl said:

    Frank Turner last night - which I think now definitely makes him the act I've seen more than any other - and still loved it as much as ever. Felt very emotional in there - I and a few around me were in tears a couple times.

    Looking forward to the next one already.

    How was the sound? I saw a couple of Facebook posts saying it was woeful! I saw him last week in Leeds and there was some sound hiccups which resulted in a little FT tantrum... he was not a happy bunny! The setlist looks fantastic from last night! 👌 I'd be happy with that for Manchester on Tuesday 🙂

    ... think he's my most seen act too! 

  17. 20 minutes ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:


    Oh dear. Centre Parcs are closing for the day 



    They have just retracted it because it was a bit ridiculous

    I mean, I get asking people who are there from Fri - Mon to leave by 10am Monday

    I get those there from Mon - Fri now getting a portion refunded and are arriving Tuesday instead 

    Those there Fri to Fri were being asked to leave Monday at 10am and come back Tuesday which is just a whole load of a logistical nightmare for many 

    I got back from Centre Parcs on Friday after taking my dad for a few days. I'd have been really disappointed if I was due to go Monday but fuming if I had already been there 3 days and then expected to leave and come back 24 hours later

    Think they've realised this was going to turn out to be a bit of a PR nightmare. They've basically said those there Fri to Fri can stay but with no activities etc open on Monday 

  18. 14 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    I’m really sorry, that just sounds awful, you all sound incredibly strong to me to have to go through that. Bless your Dad though, trying to look after you through all of that.

    I can’t begin to imagine what you’ve all be through, if you need to talk to someone completely separate then please feel to drop me a message.

    I don’t know much about sepsis so I’ll try to read up a bit about, so thank you for that. 

    That's really kind - thank you ❤

    My dad is awesome. He climbed Snowdon for his 80th birthday and raised a couple of grand for the ICU mum was on. I mean, he has no idea how to pay a bill or Internet banking but he's fab! 

    Please do read up on it

    S - slurred speech or confusion

    E - extreme muscle pain or cramps

    P - passing no urine all day 

    S - severe breathlessness 

    I - imagining you are going to die 

    S - Skin colour changes (mottling, rash, extreme redness)

    Mum went from talking to my son on the phone at 4pm completely coherent - she just felt like she had a bit of indigestion to start with. By 6pm she was unresponsive. I live 80 miles away and by the time I got there (the ambulance still hadn't arrived) she had a temperature of over 40, a blood pressure so low I couldn't get a reading, a heart rate so fast I couldn't count her pulse as it was too fast for me to keep up, and a respiratory rate of around 50 breaths a minute - she was undoubtedly about to arrest. It honestly can happen THAT fast and, despite being a nurse for 20 odd years, I was totally unaware of exactly HOW fast it could happen. The more likely cause was biliary sepsis. We think her bile duct was full of sludge and became infected which entered her blood stream. She was too unstable to go through the CT scanner though for a more indepth look

    I'll keep bleating about it and telling her story even if it just raises a tiny bit of awareness 

  19. 5 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

    I’m really sorry to hear about you Mum, I hope you and your Dad are holding up ok given how the news has been. 

    Honestly? Its all a bit shit really but we will get there. I'm an only child and my son is an only child and the 4 of us were ridiculously close. Now it's me, Dad and Joe and the balance doesn't quite seem right anymore. My dad is amazing though. He's 80, still working and had spent the last 4 months holding my hand and drying my tears whilst trying to hold back his own ❤

    70 just seems so young and dying from sepsis so preventable in the vast majority of cases. I'm "lucky" (and I use that for lack of a better word). Sepsis was recognised really quickly, treatment started swiftly and she had amazing care for the 8 days that she put up the fight of her life on ICU. Some battles just cant be won though. I don't have the overwhelming anger so many families in our situation have because it was recognised too late and for that I'm thankful 

    Sorry - this is completely off topic. It's World Sepsis Day today though. My mum was one of 11 million annual global deaths. Please all ask 'Could this be sepsis?' if you or a loved becomes unwell. In health care we miss it too often or we diagnose it too late. I wouldn't wish this on anyone 

  20. On 9/9/2022 at 8:36 PM, pink_triangle said:

    I hold the social media account as well. Most of my posts are either praising staff or our students. Are these really things the queen would find disrespectful?

    Ditto. I'm one of a team of 4 Matrons- all we really use it for is shout outs for staff and stuff. We do a 'Tea at Three' thing once a month were we take cakes etc to a ward to say thanks. Feels a bit odd I can't post about it today

    On 9/10/2022 at 11:08 AM, pink_triangle said:

    I hope I am allowed to work it and get an extra day annual leave to work at another time.

    I'm a bit indifferent. Only one of us needed to be in operationally to sort staffing etc as a fair bit of other stuff has been cancelled. My colleague got in first and offered. I lost my mum 4 months ago and whilst I defintely could never be classed as a Royalist, watching the very public outpouring of grief is just a bit shit right now. I mean, you know its bad when Nicola Sturgeon makes you cry. Finished work yesterday, got in the car and she was giving her official condolence speech... cue bawling 🤣 Might drive to see my dad on Monday and spend it with him instead 

  21. 7 hours ago, pink_triangle said:

    I think cancelling football is ridiculous. Some may want to stay home and mourn, but I think it would be a small proportion. People are allowed to get wasted in a nightclub, why not watch a football match.

    In our work we are not allowed to update our work social media all week. A friend has been told by his work they shouldn't update their personal social media with anything that shows them enjoying themselves.

    Ditto. I hold the social media account for our department at work (NHS) and got an email yesterday saying not to post anything on it for 7 days. Not entirely sure what the rationale is 

  22. 13 minutes ago, Green Croc said:

    I've always thought Frank Turner is very good at the happy medium between crowd interaction and playing a load of tunes.

    I quite like hearing the odd anecdote about why a song was written etc, and I always enjoy a gig more when I can tell the artist is visibly enjoying themselves

    I love the guy and will usually go to several of his gigs when he's on tour. It can sometimes get a bit 'samey' but I don't ever actually mind it as he genuinely always looks like he's having such a great time 

    9 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

    Ah the so called "hardest working musician in the business". I wondered past one of his gigs, all he seemed to do was shout.

    He's just become the first UK artist to play 50 states in 50 days - Love him or hate him, it can't be denied that he DOES work incredibly hard. Live is what he does best - he's been really frank (I didn't intend the.pun) about what lockdown did to his mental health and not being out on the road 

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