TDK Cross Central 2007
Saturday 25th to Saturday 26th August 2006Kings Cross Freight Depot, Off York Way, Kings Cross, London N1, England MAP
£20 per day (early bird prices)
Last updated: Wed 22nd Aug 2007
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Canvas Live Stage
- Outdoor Live Stage
- The Terrace
- The Key
- Canvas Studio 1
- Canvas Studio 2
- The Cross
- Middle Arch
- Third Arch
- The Foyel
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Canvas Studio 3
- Outdoor Live Stage
- The Terrace
- The Key
- Canvas Studio 1
- Canvas Studio 2
- The Cross
- Middle Arch
- Third Arch
- The Foyel
- Halo Warehouse
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
- Outdoor Live Stage
- unknown stage
(C) = Officially Confirmed, (SC) = Self Confirmed, (SR) = Strong Rumour, (R) = Rumour
Sun 26th, Third Arch(C) :Terry:
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) A.Skillz
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) ACTH DJs
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Alex Insurgent
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Alex Under
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Annie Mac
Sun 26th, The Key(C) Anthony Nicholson
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Archie Bronson Outfit
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Ashley Wild
Sun 26th, The Terrace(C) Audiofly
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Baseball Furies
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Battle
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Ben Watt
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Black Affair (Live)
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) Bonobo
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Brother & Bones
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Cagedbaby
Sun 26th, unknown stage(C) Cagedbaby
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) Caspa
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Casper C
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Cazals
Sat 25th, Middle Arch(C) Chloe
Sun 26th, The Cross(C) Chris Geddes (Belle & Sebastian)
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Chris Hartnett
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Clive Henry
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Clive Morley
day TBC, Outdoor Live Stage(C) CocknBullKid
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Coconut Twins
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) Coldcut
Sat 25th, Middle Arch(C) Cosmo Vitelli
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Crispin Dior
Sun 26th, Middle Arch(C) Dan Float
Sun 26th, The Cross(C) Dan Ghenacia
Sun 26th, Middle Arch(C) Daniel Bell
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Danny Clarke
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Darren & Spencer
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Dave Jarvis
Sun 26th, The Terrace(C) Dave Piccioni
Sun 26th, unknown stage(C) Dave Piccioni
day TBC, unknown stage(SC) Digitalism
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) Distance
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) DJ Food & DK
Sat 25th, The Key(C) DJ Funk
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) DJ Noise
Sun 26th, Third Arch(C) FB Julian
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) Filthy Dukes
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Franz Ferdinand feat: Paul Thomson (DJ set)
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Friendly Fires
Sun 26th, The Terrace(C) Gavin Herlihy
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Get Shakes
Sun 26th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Giles Smith
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) GoldieLocks
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Goose
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Green Velvet
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Gucci Soundsystem
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Guy Williams
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Hannah Holland
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Hannah Holland
Sun 26th, The Cross(C) Hector
Sun 26th, Middle Arch(C) Heidi
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Herve
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) Hexstatic
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Issst
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 3(C) James Holden
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) James Mountain
Sun 26th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) James Priestley
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) James Zabiela
Sun 26th, The Cross(C) Jamie Jones
Sat 25th, Middle Arch(C) Jef K
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) Jeff Automatic
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Jo Jo De Freq
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Joakim
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Jodie Harsh
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Joey Negro
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Johnny Blanco
Sun 26th, Third Arch(C) Karotte
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Kick Out the Junk
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Kid Kenobi
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) Killa Kela
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Kissy Sell Out
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Lady Killa
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Lo-Fi Fnk
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 3(C) Loco Dice
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) Loefah
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Magic Circle DJs
Sun 26th, unknown stage(C) Man Like Me (live)
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Man Make Music
Sun 26th, Middle Arch(C) Marc Antona
Sun 26th, The Cross(C) Martin Buttrich (Live)
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) Mary Anne Hobbs
Sun 26th, Third Arch(C) Matelar
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Matthew !WOWOW!
Sun 26th, Third Arch(C) Mazzy Supastar
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Metronomy
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Mikki Most
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 1(C) Mr Scruff
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Mr. Cormack
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) MRK1 & Virus Syndicate
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Nathan Gregory Wilkins
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) Neil Parkes
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Neil Parks
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) Optimo DJs
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Paul 'Phones' Epworth
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Peaches Geldof
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) People Are Germs
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Peter Pixzel
Sun 26th, The Key(C) Phil Asher
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) Plastican
Sun 26th, The Foyel(C) Punks Jump Up
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Queens of Noize
Sun 26th, The Key(C) Rap Saunders
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Raresh
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Rev Milo Speedwagon
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 3(C) Ricardo Villalobos
Sun 26th, unknown stage(C) Ricardo Villalobos
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Riotous Rockers
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) Robots In Disguise
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Rory Phillips
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) Rusko
Sun 26th, Middle Arch(C) Ryan Shaw
Sun 26th, The Terrace(C) Sean Brosnan
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Seb Fontaine
Sun 26th, The Terrace(C) Serge Santiago
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 3(C) Shane Watcha
Sun 26th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Shinedoe
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 3(C) Shitdisco
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Shonky
Sun 26th, Middle Arch(C) Simon Rigg & Heidi
Sat 25th, The Key(C) Skull Juice
Sat 25th, The Foyel(C) SNO
Sat 25th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Soul of Man
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) South Central
day TBC, unknown stage(SC) Spank Rock
Sat 25th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Stricken City
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Stuart Patterson
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Surkin
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Tapedeck
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) Team Mega Mix
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) Teens of Thailand
Sat 25th, The Cross(C) Terry Farley
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) The Loose Cannons
Sat 25th, The Terrace(C) The Shamones
Sun 26th, The Key(C) Theo Parrish
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) These New Puritans
Sun 26th, The Terrace(C) Tiefschwarz
Sat 25th, Middle Arch(C) Tim Paris
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 3(C) To My Boy (Live)
Sun 26th, Outdoor Live Stage(C) Tobi Neumann
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Tom Craven
Sun 26th, Halo Warehouse(C) Tom Roberts
Sun 26th, Third Arch(C) Toni D
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) Treva Whateva
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 1(C) VJ Mox
Sat 25th, Canvas Live Stage(C) White Rose Movement
Sat 25th, unknown stage(C) XX Teens Djs
Sat 25th, Third Arch(C) Yuksek
Sun 26th, Canvas Studio 2(C) Zak Radak
Sat 25th, Middle Arch(C)
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last updated: Wed 22nd Aug 2007

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last updated: Wed 22nd Aug 2007