Every effort is made to ensure that all information on this website is correct - the information either comes directly from festivals/events organisers themselves (or their press offices), or is gathered from other public sources (it normally states where from). If something is a rumour rather than a confirmed fact, it should always state that to be the case.
However, because we're only human, we do occasionally make mistakes. If you are aware of anything on this website that is incorrect (or defamatory), please e-mail the webmaster and it will be given urgent attention.
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While eFestivals makes every attempt to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee that the information we provide is either up-to-date or accurate. It is the responsibility of our readers to double-check elsewhere that the information we provide is accurate, and eFestivals cannot be held responsible for any errors made by our readers from the information that we provide.
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