The Castle Sessions - CANCELLED 2015
Friday 18th to Saturday 19th September 2015Caldicot Castle, Church Road , Caldicot, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP26 4HU, Wales MAP
£45 for both days with camping adults, £22.50 for kids
Croissant Neuf 's latest venture The Castle Sessions has been cancelled.
Organisers have issued a statement saying, "We are genuinely sorry and it is with deep regret that we have to inform you of the cancellation of The Castle Sessions event that was due to held at Caldicot Castle this September.
Many thanks indeed to all those who supported this event and for those who bought tickets a full refund will be paid to you in a few days.
We know we have a fantastic formula with a stunning location so will run this event in the future with more time for planning and marketing.
We will keep you posted in due course,
have a good rest of the summer
The Croissant Neuf team xx.."
The Castle Sessions were set to take place at Caldicot Castle, in Chepstow, Monmouthshire on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th September 2015 and had a line-up that included Neville Staple Band, Rusty Shackle, 9Bach, Nizlopi, The Cadbury Sisters, Mad Dog Mcrea, Zervas & Pepper, and more.
Last week organisers posted on Facebook, "So, lads and lassies, crunch time is approaching... We at Croissant Neuf would love to put on this lovely party at such a beautiful and excellent location. Apparently 509 people have already said they are going. However, only 50 of these lovely people have actually bought a ticket and, as regular folks just like yourselves, we don't personally have large pots of money stashed away to pay for a great line up and the use of a medieval castle for a weekend! So come on guys, if you're coming, buy a ticket. If we get those 500 tickets sold, we've got a party. If we still haven't sold any tickets by the 31st, then it is unlikely we will be doing anything.. "
It looks as though there weren't enough tickets priced at £45 to enable the event to happen.
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due to held at Caldicot Castle this September

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with Neville Staple Band, Rusty Shackle, 9 Bach, Nizlopi, The Cadbury Sisters, & many more
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