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Jack Attack

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Posts posted by Jack Attack

  1. Jesus Christ, can't believe people thought I was being serious about the physical violence. Yeah those girls annoy me because they always seem to block my view, but I'm far too much of a pansy to do anything about it!

    Seems a lot of people take internet forum posts a bit too seriously :P

    Also, I hate Leeds/Reading more than anything in the world.

  2. He has just been interviewed on Radio 5 live for his 80th birthday on Tuesday.

    Stated that there is a chnce he could play on the main stage as party of the 40th birthday celebrations. Still tentative at the moment, but fingers crossed he said

  3. So let's say a friend of mine is hoping to buy some acid at this year's festy, how overpriced is it likely to be? Obviously my friend isn't wanting to get ripped off, and would appreciate having a rough price range.
  4. All this advice on where to camp is good stuff for a newbie like me :P

    I can't believe all the theft though, especially when people are actually in their tents. :P

    If any f**ker comes into my tent this year for a 'look around' before giving me the old 'sorry mate, wrong tent', they're getting a foot in their mush.
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