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Jack Attack

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Posts posted by Jack Attack

  1. Some people need to get a grip. I'd be gutted if I didn't get a ticket but people need to realise that there are more people than there are tickets. Sadly some people will just have to miss out.

  2. Two of my friends went litter picking this year. Yes, it was hard work. No, they didn't even think to skip their shifts. They did it a) because they couldn't get tickets and B) because they wanted to "give something back"

    Not only did you use it as a way to get a ticket, you ended up making the others do YOUR work.

    Not one iota of sympathy from me :angry:

  3. However, when I went to, found wasn't actually locker things, or even pigeon holes, but just room with shelves on where cash would just be left on shelf. I know it's a bit silly, but this put me off as all just felt a bit casual. Is this the normal setup?? Are things really safe in there?

  4. Waiting at Dance Wow, we were in a huge crowd and these two young girls came squeezing through to leave. They paused near us.

    "Who's on next?", one of them asked.

    "Boy George", said I.

    At this point they both started screaming with excitement and jumping up and down.

    Then one of them stopped and said, "Who's he then?"


    Not exactly "what I heard", but we were across at the Other stage and these two guys came and stood near us. One of them whipped out a Nokia 6310 (i.e. an old phone with no built-in camera). They tapped this bloke next to them, passed him the phone, asked him to take their photo and then posed.

    The look on the bloke's face was priceless as he tried to point the camera whilst looking for a button to press. All the while, the two original geezers were urging hime to hurry up :lol:

  5. I have a MASSIVE complaint about the food...

    I didn't have enough time to get round all the great places!!!

    As far as the quality/value go, I thought it was great. Had a lamb & mint Oggie, couldn't finish it. A growler in the morning wasn't the most healthy option, but certainly set you up for the day. Goan fish curry, so much flavour.

    I think that next time, I need to starve myself for a week first :)

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