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Dibford and Son

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Posts posted by Dibford and Son

  1. 4 hours ago, shoebox said:

    This is only the second year that they've given out cryptic clues about acts, and it was for the second or third announcement last year. The significant one last year was the Shins announcement, who were obviously a headliner, but I can't remember the other ones that were posted.

    Teenage Fan Club was the other one I remember with their Howdy! Declaration on one of the posts. As you say. Not done it before last year. So far this year I've no idea and not excited by Foxygen at all.  

  2. On 06/03/2016 at 3:48 PM, Blannyboy said:
    9 hours ago, shoebox said:

    It's the BEST news! 

    The hope nearly killed me!! Festival exclusive as well, which is nice. 


    What a feckin great announcement and what a brilliant line up. 


  3. 3 hours ago, shoebox said:

    There's going to be so much disappointment if Teenage Fanclub don't rock up now.

    They will. They will. I don't think the first clues were planned but now I think theyve realised that this whole clue thing is a bit of fun. I have no idea about these 2 though! The Lift to Experience thing will be a lot of fun though if that's true. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, shoebox said:

    Yeah, I saw that. I commented saying how it needs to happen. Always felt that the Fannies belonged at EOTR. Would be a cracking booking. If they can't get them, they should get The New Mendicants (Norman and Joe Pernice)

    I'm kind of expecting Karl Blau in the next announcement. New Bella Union signing, playing UK shows in the week after the festival, but apart from that, I have no idea.

    New Mendicants would be great too. Was due to see them in a pub in Portsmouth a couple of years ago but gigs got cancelled. I'm thinking it's got to be and I'm really quite excited!! Will check Karl Blau out. 

  5. 2 hours ago, shoebox said:

    Next announcement coming next week!

    Simon has posted a pic of Bandwagonesque on Instagram and opened the tweet about next week's announcement with 'Howdy!'. Anyone thinking the same as me? Too obvious to be true?

  6. 15 hours ago, SweepingTheNation said:

    Weird, and probably quite telling, to see people going nuts about the announcement on Twitter, then come here and find everyone's selling their ticket. And Bat For Lashes is no less obvious a headliner than, say, Wild Beasts or Beach House - far more so if anything, she gets huge press attention, her last two albums peaked at 5 and 6, and presumably she'll have a new one out before September.


    Hard Skin!

    I havent contributed here for a few years. Mainly because I thought it had been shut down and I missed 13 & 14 much to my regret later. Bounced back last year and remembered why I loved it so much. I also noticed that the reaction here seems more down than FB and Twitter. 

    I've always struggled with AnCo as well but will persevere. As for the rest, I've already discovered some gems to follow up on. Dr Dog, Dawn Landes, Martha Ffion, Martha, Holly Macve, Lail Arad plus those that I already know I like, such as Phosphorescent, M. Ward and Devendra Banhart. Bearing in mind that this isn't even half the total number of acts, it once again bodes well for a great musical weekend. 

  7. Totally agree. My feeling on the night was that he was nervous at the beginning and slowly comes alive hence the way that the gig creeps up on you. And you're right. Easy to assume it's not nerves. I know I felt a little uncomfortable for a bit whilst I worked out if he was unfolding in front of the audience or nervous. I'm finding that it was one of those gigs that gets better after its over! If that makes sense? Cannot wait to see him again.

  8. John Murry & Christopher Rees - Winchester Railway

    Cool to see Christopher Rees again - been many years - So many years in fact I can't remember where/when I saw him before - But I bought The Sweetest Ache somewhere. He plays solo, and all new stuff but it's really good - would like to hear the new material with a full band and at some point I pledge to catch up on the 3/4 albums I missed.

    John Murry is the real deal though. Wavering, shakey, affected.......I suppose.......but to such gorgeous effect....the swell of the album's richer moments takes me over and I'm already hearing it on a sunny afternoon on the Garden Stage. Much is being made of Little Coloured Balloons......but there's other songs just as good - particularly the confusingly titled No Te Da Ganas de Reir, Senor Malverde?.......or "the other really long one" as my memory is insisting on calling it!

    Best gig I've been to in a long while.

  9. I am pleased with this on 2 counts.

    1. This is a great addition to an already great line up - the undercard is superb IMO.


    2. You have very kindly all proven that I am not going mad and made a public fool of myself.

    I hope it is not a Thursday night addition. In the last 2 years the Thursday nighters were not announced this early or on the main line up. I think?

  10. This could be a short lived thread, but.....

    I have just noticed Peter Broderick's name amongst the artists on the main web page. Looking through the news and forum topics, I can't see his name released anywhere.

    Am I being dumb or have they snuck this in without telling anyone? Either way, quite cool?

    Polite responses only please, especially if they indicate that I may be delusional!

  11. :lol:

    For anyone who may already be well aquainted with Grandaddy but unaware of the sad situation regarding the health of Jason's sister Anna, there is a great package of demos and unreleased material (and I mean literally dozens and dozens of tracks, videos, artwork, etc) that you can download for a donation via the talkscape forum. Honestly, this is for a great cause (you can read the full story via this link) and what you get for your donation is well worth it, so check it out if you haven't already:


    Hi SD. I've tried this link but cannot work out how to make a donation. I keep clicking on the download option and nothing happens. What am I missing?

  12. Lucky Strikes at The Railway in Winchester last night were superb. I thought Ox were pretty good too.

    Great value gig made all the better for some pissed bloke doing some fancy coat dancing!!

  13. Already so many negative comments.

    I don't know too many bands on this list but those I do know look pretty good to me, especially so early on and with lots to come. I am looking forward already to finding more about those bands new to me. I do know that Bella Union is a class label, so there won't be much rubbish amongst them, with the promise of even more to come.

    I thought Midlake were fab last year. The fact they are back is just a bonus as I really wanted to see them again, as I did The Antlers who I loved in 2010.

    Beach House are good as are Grizzly Bear, The Low Anthem, etc etc etc. The list is subjectively endless. I missed LOTL last year and really want to catch them and Jonathan Wilson and Cashier No 9 are my current top albums.

    I hadn't planned to buy my tickets yet and I wasn't expecting to commit until much later in the year, but I am now about to make the purchase.

    This is starting to look like a quality line up to me and only likely to get better.

  14. Even closer than my username would suggest. It's a good one for pretty relaxed bands and it has an amazing line-up of comedians, all doing their warm-up tours. Al Murray's been there, Dara O'Briain and I'm see Chris Addison with a few friends next saturday. Always good value.

  15. With regard to the capacity in general: I hope they concentrate on making the festival right, rather than bigger (or smaller). What I mean is - if the best headliner level bands to book are Midlake and Okkervil River - book them, and have a 5K festival.

    Totally agree. I thought Midlake put on a great show and would have been a great headliner at the Woods or Garden stage.

  16. I think I am about to commit a serious EOTR forum own goal and get one a whole stream of negative comments on my profile, but how boring was John Grant?? I tried to like him 'cos I think I should, but god he was dull and I just don't get it!

    Apart from that my nailed it list is.

    Dan Mangan, Josh T, Okkervil River, CYHSY, Tune yARDS, Woods, Rue Royale, Allo Darling.


    Beirut, Lykke Li, Dry The River, The Walkmen, M.Ward, Midlake, Willy Mason, Laura Marling, Megafaun,

    Not so good.

    Joanna Newsom( just not my thing in the cold at the end of a long weekend in a big field. A different time and stage may well have been better)

    Did I mention John Grant??!!

  17. I have given it 2 days now to ensure that I don't write some emotional clap trap driven by over tiredness and being generally grumpy. I loved it, again. Number 3 for me and my 13 yr old( a big Okkervil River and Dan Mangan fan) and I thought it was musically the best, by a long way over last year. The increase in capacity certainly made a noticeable difference but try as I might to be miserable about, it didn't really bother me.......well it did a bit, but on reflection did it REALLY, and the answer is no. There were a few things that bothered me at the time, such as more annoying young people being annoying and having fun much as I used to, the very occasional queue longer than 5 minutes for a coffee or food, the noise in the new campervan field from the disco til 0300, but on reflection, they actually didn't!! Did any of the annoying people actually do anything that affected me - no. Did I miss out on coffee? - no. In fact the little Italian motorcycle thingy sold excellent coffee and had no queue of note at any time, so I found something new instead and did the lack of sleep because of the disco noise bother me? Yes it did actually, my only real gripe. The increase in numbers was noticeable in that I found that the stages were busier more often and lacked those special moments when the small crowd got a really special show, however, even then, I found myself asking if I was an organiser is that not what I would want? Every stage busy but not crushed. Seems ideal to me. I still found that even then there was the odd smaller crowd and great moment. Dan Mangan walking the small crowd at The Woods Stage during Robots was superb. Josh T was hilarious and one of my highlights. The Garden Stage did seem busier more often or was I just imagining it in my quest to have something to moan about?

    I agree with many of the comments on here and there will clearly be very different schools of thought on this as ultimately it comes down to personal opinion and we are all different, I think! I think the increase in festival popularity generally means that young people will be attracted to them 'cos they are cool, especially if your Laura Marlings continue to gain a following. Apart from the twats who were dancing on the arty monument thing during Okkervil River in the Garden Stage, I didn't see any problems

    The food was superb and no matter how hard I try to free myself from their pull, I just cannot stop going back to the Morrocan kitchen for the spicy lamb bartek??

    I didn't really notice any real difference in the toilet queues or quality, but I did notice lots of people of all ages wearing very silly clothes and middle aged people like me wearing things that I would never do other wise and I don't really know why!! A neck-a-chief?? I mean. Honestly, what was I thinking of!!

    In summary. We had a great time and while busier, it really did not affect our enjoyment which was based around the whole experience, despite me trying very hard to find reasons to moan. The music was superb, the stages were fine. The Woods stage was just a field but it does mean that all the people can now see all the music and not get shut out, so I guess it meets the needs of the festival. The Garden Stage remains brilliant and the sound is superb. The food options and quality were great, the queues manageable, especially if you avoided the obvious peak times I will definitely go again but will wait to see what the line up looks like this time first, for many reasons not related to this year. Especially if they move the campervans further back or the woods disco to Shaftesbury!

  18. And!!! I saw The Hold Steady at Southampton Uni this year and they were ok. Wintersleep were better though. Now there is only 3 users, where have 54 people gone in 10 minutes??? :)

  19. 57 users now!! This is my 3rd EOTR and I am just as excited, nay, more excited than ever. I check the forum every couple of hours and clearly now, lots more people do too. The line up this year is superb and I think it just got better and better with each announcement. The weather is set fair( fingers crossed). I don't know what to think about the increase in numbers, but hey, its outside my sphere of influence, i've paid for my ticket and intend to have a great time as always. I am equally nervous, pessimistically convinced that one of my favourites is yet to pull out and ruin my whole weekend and eagerly checking out the forum for Thursday night surprise additions which seem to be missing this year. Therefore I can only conclude that there is either a) no surprise acts this year or

    b ) they really will be a surprise.

    Anyway Ben, you prompted me to write what i think every time I log on, only can never be bothered to. I don't live far away, so it's difficult decision time, pull my trusty caravan along and annoy all other road users Thursday night, in the hope to catch a real surprise act, or Friday morning and join the masses? Tough one! :unsure:

  20. I am praying and begging (literally) that they get Paul Kelly. He's in London on the Thurs/Fri, then in Dublin the week after, so he could easily play Saturday/Sunday.

    He's a genius Australian folk-pop singer with amazing lyrics and melodies. Would go down well even with people who don't know him.

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