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Posts posted by ronniec111

  1. I first went in 2005 so this sounds awful to me, like some sort of baghead festival (not that I've anything against selling beer and drugs but getting robbed and beaten up is just rough). I wouldn't have felt relaxed at all, for myself or anyone I was with. :blink:

  2. Sorry, but I disagree. The Jazzworld is one of the biggest stages. Right next to the stage (and still in clear earshot of the music) you will find - just off the top of my head next to the Brothers Bar - La Grande Bouffe, Pieminister and - just to the right of the stage - a very good curry stall. All tremendous quality food. And neither are particularly hard to find.
  3. Having been on the bar I found it generally was down to how busy the bar was and whether the bar manager was in the area at the time. They do take it seriously that if a test purchaser gets served then it will be a problem.

  4. Yeah it was similar here, although I only queued for the cash point at about 1am Friday morning and it was empty, and I only bought about five pints but the longest queue was 10 mins at Mandela.

    Strange indeed, as overall it felt a very busy year. Perhaps everyone was mostly just down at the stages all day.

  5. Bloody hell, I never thought of checking until I read this. Luckily I got away with it. Sorry about your misfortune - is there no fraud protection from your bank for this kind of thing?

  6. Hey come on give the OP a break, I get where they're coming from in a way. I've read all the other complaining threads and the same trivial themes come up. What I think the OP hints at though is a fair point, that for a lot of people who've never been or perhaps been once a few years ago, Glasto doesn't have a clearly-defined image any more.

    There's the famous old "hippie" image everyone still has in their head, then the next popular image is of the wall-jumping days, so when people turn up now you're kinda half expecting this, half expecting that, and when it turns out as neither you just end up looking round thinking "oh, right..." It comes across these days as trying to sell itself on everything, as a big band festival and a small one. First-timers don't know what to actually expect. You can't go eating in the Green Fields all the time unless you're happy to miss stuff on the main stages, which it sounds like the OP was there for. It's so bloody big he'd have to miss bands he's come for to get a decent cheap plate of food. That's the guy's point and I think it's fair.

    I think it's easy to come across as sounding like a whinger who can't just go with the flow, but it's a fair reaction to turn up to this years and see so many people even in the "quiet" bits and feel a bit disappointed that the famous old Glasto vibe isn't really "there". I appreciate people have given good advice about spots to go but there's only so much you can take in before your first visit, when it blows your mind and you spend half your time looking at a map.

    As long as it keeps expanding there'll always be people like the OP turning up who just can't get a picture of what to expect, and end up disappointed when what it is, isn't actually what it's sold as.

    I remember the feeling of confusion on what met me my first time and my girlfriend felt the same this year, so just sticking up for the guy a bit. (And I'm a fairy-tattooed pacifist who lives in the quiet bits) :lol:

  7. Seen a few in recent years... fortunately I've always had a shameless friend at hand to take a photo :P


    Suggs doing gate-opening duties somewhere at the back of the other stage.


    Stephen Merchant somewhere near the Queen's Head - Britain's seventh tallest comedian.


    Somewhere backstage near the Pyramid when I was working last year, and chased his car down the road 'til he stopped. :rolleyes:

  8. My uncle's got a pretty bad hernia but is still going somehow - it's been a nightmare for them having to rearrange plans, pick a new field, etc.

    He's not giving in easy though, it's Glasto then Beat-Herder the weekend after then straight in for an op!

  9. I was with Workers Beer Company last year, 6 hours a day on Mandela bar... hardly missed anything I was bothered about and the food and showers are fantastic.

    Sure you'll enjoy working there :D

  10. I say it every year, but... never again! :D

    Bloody horrible things, although my dad trying them last year and reporting back at frequent intervals on the "experience" was well funny.

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