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Posts posted by maninkilt

  1. Cant imagine any of the locals were happy. This is the sort of thing that could really cause problems for the festival. Imagine living on the route ! Imagine ljving on the route and needing an ambulance. 

  2. Can't wait. The parking and access last year was excellent, a huge improvement.  More toilets is good, more urinals freeing up cubicles would seem like a good way to go. The woodland stage is just a beautiful spot, so good that it is almost becoming a victim of it's own success, getting in and out even to the toilets was a nightmare. Might need a rethink ?

    Love this festival and will definitely be back next year.

  3. 2014 was a proper biblical downpour, I said then and still believe that that was ALL of our rain for the next five or six years. 

    Last year's weather was beautiful, too sunny for me at times. I actualy had our wonderful Scots neighbours taking the mickey out of how quickly I got sunburnt.

    Rain or Shine I can't wait. 

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