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Posts posted by StevenHooper

  1. Played a few hours of RDR last night for the first time. Very impressed but why so many cut scenes! <_<

    Huge game. I just cant resist shooting innocent people, so Ill have to spend tonight paying my back society. Or doing a few hits for the sheriff.

  2. Lots of you are pretty poop at FIFA if you all don't play on Legendary :P.

    Still on FIFA 10 here mind, but whenever I go back to play it I'm always better then when I left it :S. It's really odd.

    But yeah, is it worth me getting the world cup one or holding out for FIFA 11? I'll probably just hold out as I don't really need another footie game at the moment, but the world cup will be pretty rad and suchlike.

  3. Have been pretty much playing RDR non stop, found out my save games not worked. Have to go back to the start..

    is it even worth it


    Edit: thank f**k! Someone had signed in as another user and i never realised

  4. No it is definitely Christopher Nolan doing the new Superman.

    Superman Returns didn't work because it was a continuation/sequel to the Christopher Reeve version. It was doomed from the beginning because the idea itself was pretty stupid. I still don't know why they botherred. It felt so dated too, there were severeal strong and contemporary Superman comics that were out by that time but they focussed on making a film about the Christopher Reeve (played by Brandon Routh) Superman fighting Gene Hackmans Lex Luthor (played by Kevin Spacey) over some Real Estate evil plot. AGAIN.

    It sufferred from the same problem as the Joel Schumacher Batman movies in that they were also "sequels" to the Tim Burton movies, but were so different in tone and cast they would have been better off doing their own thing rather than try to follow or mimmick what was done previously.

    Hopefully Nolan will realise Christopher Reeve's Superman is best left in the 70's/80's. That whole boy scout "Truth Justice and the Amercian Way" act hasn't been in the comics for ages now so it shouldn't be in the films either. The whole thing needs modernising. Thing is, studios are using superheroes as cash-cows, pitching their films towards the lowest common denominator - there is no risk. Any post-modern look at any superhero myth will be deemed too unbankable by the bean counters in control.

    It's a real shame, because I realy liked Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey as Superman and Lex Luthor - they would have been very good as those characters in a new Superman story.

    I still don't think film-makers have portrayed any comic book character properly. The onus always seems to be on the action and "awesurme fightz" so that they can easily hack together a cool trailer with all the shiniest bits in. I think the problem is that in comics, you can still have the story ticking along regardless of what's happening (with thought bubbles and internal monologue) such as during action scenes - which I think is why comic fans are never happy with the film versions - they focus on the action scenes and the superpowers in order to sell to the unwashed masses, but that's not why they became famous or liked as characters in the first place.

    Nolan seems to be on the right track. His Batman films aren't perfect by any means but he's definitely advanced and changed how film-makers should approach adapting these wierd stories.

  5. May 6th 2011 for Thor and July 22nd 2011 for Captain America (according to wiki at least :P )

    Aye, think David Goyer is involved in the script writing too which is excellent news!

  6. 2012 is going to be full of superhero movies already.

    Batman 3

    Spiderman re-boot

    Captain America


    Superman - the rights revert back to original owners or something like that. Not set in stone but supposed to be getting done.

  7. Differing opinions is fine. It's good to have a range of different opinions.

    But simply stating these things you believe, without backing them up with the reasons why you think that, makes you the very worst kind of troll on the internet.

    Before people start putting down thier opinions that go 'against the grain'; I'd invite you to explain your reasoning, and show us you've not just written a bunch of stuff down that you know will get a reaction from most.

  8. Time to share your views and be shot down for thinking such things

    Heres just a few of my unpopular opinions to start with

    LOTR are terrible films, not worthy of the acclaim they received.

    Star Wars aren't as good as everyone makes out. Whereas, the prequels arent as bad as everyone makes out.

    Bob Dylan isn't good at all.

    The Beatles aren't the best band of all time, not even in the top 5.

    England don't stand a chance in the world cup.

    Get sharing...

  9. that daft f**king sour faced bitch from twilight.

    apparently having people question her about her relationship with that big daft soggy bastard from twilight, makes her feel like a rape victim! aye that's the same as rape so it is! f**king retard.

    why the f**k is she giving a magazine interview, but moaning about being famous? why is she doing interviews then!! what a pointless greeting faced wee shite she is.

  10. Production is on hold because it's MGM studios who are financially f**ked at the moment, effectively banckrupt and can't find a buyer. Already cancelled the next 007 film.

    The 2 Hobbits aren't due until 2012 and 2013 apparently

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