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Cassius It's Over

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Posts posted by Cassius It's Over

  1. yeah i imagine they go down quite well at a festival infront of a big crowd, would create a good atmosphere too with the hits they have, and them being so catchy so everyone is bound to join in with the words!

  2. How to kill time before a festval....

    - Join a festival forum, enjoy the rumours and waiting for the next announcement

    - Go to lots of gigs before hand to get you in the mood...like you have to get in the mood for a festival :s

    - Have lots of night outs and drunkern times

    - Follow your football team match by match until the end of the season, even though a few months back a Champions League place was on the cards, but now we'll be lucky to get a UEFA cup place the way we're going...Claret and Blue Army!! (Not Recommended due to sheer frustration lol )

  3. But Lady GaGa wouldnt be doing so well if it wasnt for her Radio Airplay, certainly not topping charts

    It depends how you look at it, in one aspect the media coverage is good as it gives more people the chance to recognise artists and the music and learn to love them. People who wouldnt have necessarily liked that type of music so wouldnt have given it a chance, but as its on the radio its grows on them. Thus wanting to learn more about similar artists and wanting to hear them.

    But then there is the aspect of the sheep and the money grabbing..not so good

  4. Kasabian's scheduled June dates in Wolverhampton have been moved to Monday 24th August and Tuesday 25th August. I'm not sure if any of the other dates have been moved, but could this be a good sign in terms of a possible V performance? If they were to play Stafford on the Sunday its only up the road from Wolvo....

  5. Just cos a lot of electro bands are getting media attention at the moment doesn't mean they're all jumping on a bandwagon, a lot of those bands could have been around for a good few years and might just be getting the attention cos some electro bands broke into the mainstream
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