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Posts posted by sjhande

  1. Just got my Mojo mag as usual through the door. At the back is a picture of the July Q front cover. Main picture is of Bruce.

    It also says....

    Glastonbury Preview Giant 45 Page Special starring:




    Lady Gaga

    Nick Cave

    Bat For Lashes


    Ting Tings

    Surely worth a TBC on Prodigy and Nick Cave now????? :rolleyes:

  2. The true test will be if you're attending some unconnected work meeting months or years from now or if you're in the pub and someone says something really dumb or really blindingly obvious and someone else responds "That is sooooo Mike99......"

    Then will we know the true ripple effect of the great Mikes mails

  3. I was astonished in general at how good the sound was. The Park sounded brilliant - far better than most indoor gigs I've been to. I only saw a couple of acts at the John Peel. The Black Lips sounded shite (but then everything about them was shite) but the Futureheads sounded fine. A bit distorted and not as clear as other stages but still ok.
  4. Denver, Set List Thread 4/10/09

    by sanctified4one on Apr 10, 2009 2:28 pm


    1. Badlands


    3. Outlaw Pete

    4. Out In The Street

    5. Working On A Dream

    6. Seeds

    7. Johnny 99

    8. Youngstown


    10. Darlington County

    11. THE E STREET SHUFFLE (a request sign)

    12. Prove It All Night

    13. Waiting On A Sunny Day

    14. The Promised Land

    15. The Wrestler

    16. RACING IN THE STREETS (a request sign)

    17. Kingdom of Days

    18. Lonesome Day

    19. The Rising

    20. Born To Run

    21. Hard Times

    22. Thunder Road

    23. Tenth Avenue Freezeout

    24. Land Of Hope & Dreams

    25. American Land

    26. Glory Days


  5. For those (meself included I think) looking for a greatest hits set - here's the words of the man himself :;

    "I don't believe in just doing my hits, because you can only do that so many times, and then you just repeat yourself. At this stage in my career, that would be the kiss of death. You might as well go to Vegas and just collect. I don't want to do that yet, and hopefully I can avoid doing that for a long time."

    Whether we like it or not - this points to a "Fork In The Road" set !!

    Bang on Neil for your commitment to

  6. Well I like it. Lets face it Shakey's quality control on his own stuff has always been a bit flaky. But theres good stuff on there - and I too like the "loose" feel.

    It's difficult not to judge him against his best work - and we've been lucky recently as his last few have all been corkers. Judged against those - its not his best. Judged against some of the others (Are You Passionate?/ Landing on Water? Everybody's Rockin' for instance) they're not bad.

    To say its a complete turkey is a bit harsh

  7. All I know is that it was heaving round the Other stage last year - ended up watching that tosser Ronson cos we couldn't get anywhere else.

    There were an awful lot of clean people in the crowd - so must have been a fair few day-types

  8. Best version?

    Bruce Springsteen - The Promise - The Lost Masters Essential Collection Vol II

    Atlantic Studio's NYC August 1977



    Johnny works in a factory and Billy works downtown

    Terry works in a rock and roll band

    Lookin' for that million-dollar sound

    Me sometimes I don't do nothing

    Some spend a lot of time alone

    Some nights I go to the drive-in

    And some nights I stay home

    I followed that dream just like those guys do way up on the screen

    Rode down the Challenger down Route 9 through the dead ends and all the bad scene

    When the promise was broken I cashed in a few of my dreams

    Well now I built that Challenger by my self

    But I needed money and so I sold it

    And I lived a secret I should've kept to my self

    But I got drunk one night and I told It

    All my life I fought the fight

    The one that no man can never win

    Every day it just gets harder to live the dream I'm believing in

    Thunder Road, here's one ride in the morning till it turns light

    Thunder Road, there's something dying out on the highway tonight

    Well now I won big once and I hit the coast

    Oh but somehow I paid the big cost

    I feel like I was carrying the broken spirits

    Of all the other ones who lost

    When the promise is broken you go on living

    But man it steals something from down in your soul

    Like when the thruth is spoken but it don't make no difference

    Something in your heart grows cold

    Well I followed that dream in the Southwestern flats

    To the dead ends in a two-bit bars

    When the promise was broken I was far away from home

    Sleepin' in the backseat of a borrowed car

    Thunder Road, here's one for the lost lovers and all the fixed games

    Thunder Road, here's one for the tires rushing by in the rain

    Thunder Road, remember me and Terry what we'd allways say

    Thunder Road, we're gonna take it all and throw it all away

  9. Been watching a lot of live vids lately and am really excited now :( along with Blur and (hopefully?) Primal Scream (haha, and tha's just bandwise :( ), could make my weekend - doesn't seem to have lost any of the energy from his earlier shows in later years, which is amazing, does anyone have any idea on the chances of these songs;

    Atlantic City (acoustic)



    Point Blank

    For You


    While I've no doubt it'll be a great show no matter what, those six songs in the set would lead to a few discreet orgasms on my part.

  10. Hello i was wondering if you springsteen fans (obessives) could help me out a bit ,

    there was a post a while back about someone wanted to sort a compilation tape out , but everyone recommended about 30 songs, i've had a look at the greatest hits but thats got about 50 songs on it as well.

    I quite jungleland and code of silence, and i'm gonna sling born to run on there asw ell so i need 7 more to stick on a tape (well download them for my ipod)

  11. Well, Steve was maybe not in the band from the start, but he sure was around. That a side, like I said before, for me this has nothing to do with her voice or how she singes.. I just think that Bruce is a better when she is not on stage.. why? I really dont know why, it just seems like he is more relaxed and focused when she is home..
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