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Posts posted by kirsty_pen21

  1. went to V and saw a man in a basque, and heard some scousers shouting for "Dave", who knew where they could find Charlie, but it wasn't the type they were hoping for. I then came across a group of very muddy girls in tutus who said " we know where you can get some charlie!" But Charlie turned out to be a man in a tutu with an 8 ball and a banjo so we had to run, all except Bob who now walks like John Wayne. Suddenly, Seasick Steve magically appeared and banished the man in the tut with an 8 ball and banjo. Everyone was listening to the music and drinking Thunderbird, strictly Thunderbird and got the Hobo Low! Then along came Richard Branson who was looking for a worthy festival goer to win £1 million! The contest involved...... singing the greatest song in the world, tribute and then bringing him a brandy glass full of M&Ms at 2 in the morning. however charlie won this contest, and while delivering the m&ms in his tutu, he couldent stop himself. richard branson no longer owned something that was virgin.

    Meanwhile... a drunken man stumbled his way towards main stage and bumped into Peter Kay who was selling GARLIC BREAD and it was spitting...and coughing having caught a chill because unlike clever campers it hadn't been wearing its long johns. Peter Kay was having a heated conversation with Lily Allen, who was following him towards the main stage, about . . . Lily Allen because that's all Lily Allen ever talks about. Peter Kay deduced from this that they must duel........With banjos. Suddenly Jack Black appeared! Whip crack went Lily Allen's tail and the beast was done because he really sang the greatest song in the world, having remembered it, not just a tribute - and with his mate Kyle they banished the devil - Lily Allen. Meanwhile Dave Grohl was backstage washing red paint off himself muttering something about being too nice to be the demon this time cause Lily Allen is more evil... Still he could console himself that the best song in the world was written by him!

    So as I carried on walking i saw this shiney mysterious silver object hovering in the sky, it was a UFO, it slowly landed in front of the main stage and out walked Muse and they were surrounded by assassins and butterflies... however matt pulled out his guitar and stopped the assassins with a riff so greatly made it stunned them, while they were stunned dom proceeded to attack them with his drum sticks and chris smashed some skulls by swinging his bass around. suddenly another 3 men jump out, its dave grohl, jack black and his friend kyle! they are armed with instruments aswell!... Once the assasins were gone all 6 men took past in an irish jig. the jig carried on into the wee hours of the morning until the donkeys arrived! Upon closer inspection however the donkeys turned out to be 90's favourite 'the bluetones' in disguise, each carrying a green aadvark and wearing red smoking jackets and slippers, they then threw... up because the lesser known green aadvark is in fact poisonous if ingested and being a 90s band they had spent 3 hours licking it like certain South American frogs hoping for a near death high, instead they ended up with a Beirut unload in the portaloos and pleading with The Barenaked Ladies to lend them some toilet roll, but all they could find was a box full of kittens, so The Deftones had to.... Use there bare hands to do the wiping as nobody would soil a poor helpless kitten except.. Ossie Osbourne at this point was tearing the heads off bats...

  2. I think theyre line-up is good but liek msot of you have been saying its not that exciting really! gives us hope for soem really decent acts to be announced! would liek to see deftones and radiohead tho!

  3. I went to V and saw a man in a basque, and heard some scousers shouting for "Dave", who knew where they could find Charlie, but it wasn't the type they were hoping for. I then came across a group of very muddy girls in tutus who said " we know where you can get some charlie!" But Charlie turned out to be a man in a tutu with an 8 ball and a banjo so we had to run, all except Bob who now walks like John Wayne. Suddenly, Seasick Steve magically appeared and banished the man in the tut with an 8 ball and banjo. Everyone was listening to the music and drinking Thunderbird, strictly Thunderbird and got the Hobo Low! Then along came Richard Branson who was looking for a worthy festival goer to win £1 million! The contest involved...... singing the greatest song in the world, tribute and then bringing him a brandy glass full of M&Ms at 2 in the morning. however charlie won this contest, and while delivering the m&ms in his tutu, he couldent stop himself. richard branson no longer owned something that was virgin.

    Meanwhile... a drunken man stumbled his way towards main stage and bumped into Peter Kay who was selling GARLIC BREAD and it was spitting...and coughing having caught a chill because unlike clever campers it hadn't been wearing its long johns. Peter Kay was having a heated conversation with Lily Allen, who was following him towards the main stage, about . . . Lily Allen because that's all Lily Allen ever talks about. Peter Kay deduced from this that they must duel........With banjos. Suddenly Jack Black appeared! Whip crack went Lily Allen's tail and the beast was done because he really sang the greatest song in the world, having remembered it, not just a tribute - and with his mate Kyle they banished the devil - Lily Allen. Meanwhile Dave Grohl was backstage washing red paint off himself muttering something about being too nice to be the demon this time cause Lily Allen is more evil... Still he could console himself that the best song in the world was written by him!

    So as I carried on walking i saw this shiney mysterious silver object hovering in the sky, it was a UFO, it slowly landed in front of the main stage and out walked Muse and they were surrounded by assassins and butterflies... however matt pulled out his guitar and stopped the assassins with a riff so greatly made it stunned them, while they were stunned dom proceeded to attack them with his drum sticks and chris smashed some skulls by swinging his bass around. suddenly another 3 men jump out, its dave grohl, jack black and his friend kyle! they are armed with instruments aswell!... Once the assasins were gone all 6 men took past in an irish jig. the jig carried on into the wee hours of the morning until the donkeys arrived!

  4. Jeez, lighten up a little and have some fun...

    If people want to go in fancy dress and have a laugh then good luck to them.... I don't but then I do enjoy seeing the people who are dressed up, its all part of having a laugh.

    Some people are far too serious :lol:

  5. I went to V and saw a man in a basque, and heard some scousers shouting for "Dave", who knew where they could find Charlie, but it wasn't the type they were hoping for. I then came across a group of very muddy girls in tutus who said " we know where you can get some charlie!" But Charlie turned out to be a man in a tutu with an 8 ball and a banjo so we had to run, all except Bob who now walks like John Wayne. Suddenly, Seasick Steve magically appeared and banished the man in the tut with an 8 ball and banjo. Everyone was listening to the music and drinking Thunderbird, strictly Thunderbird and got the Hobo Low! Then along came Richard Branson who was looking for a worthy festival goer to win £1 million! The contest involved...... singing the greatest song in the world, tribute and then bringing him a brandy glass full of M&Ms at 2 in the morning. however charlie won this contest, and while delivering the m&ms in his tutu, he couldent stop himself. richard branson no longer owned something that was virgin.

    Meanwhile... a drunken man stumbled his way towards main stage and bumped into Peter Kay who was selling GARLIC BREAD and it was spitting...and coughing having caught a chill because unlike clever campers it hadn't been wearing its long johns. Peter Kay was having a heated conversation with Lily Allen, who was following him towards the main stage, about . . . Lily Allen because that's all Lily Allen ever talks about. Peter Kay deduced from this that they must duel........With banjos. Suddenly Jack Black appeared!

  6. thats a well good idea actually cos some of the tribute acts out there are really credible, you could ahve it on a friday night ebfore the indie disco get that started a bit later, full day of entertainment then like the other festivals that boast 3 days of music!

  7. I went to V and saw a man in a basque, and heard some scousers shouting for "Dave", who knew where they could find Charlie, but it wasn't the type they were hoping for. I then came across a group of very muddy girls in tutus who said " we know where you can get some charlie!" But Charlie turned out to be a man in a tutu with an 8 ball and a banjo so we had to run, all except Bob who now walks like John Wayne. Suddenly, Seasick Steve magically appeared and banished the man in the tut with an 8 ball and banjo. Everyone was listening to the music and drinking Thunderbird, strictly Thunderbird and got the Hobo Low! Then along came Richard Branson who was looking for a worthy festival goer to win £1 million! The contest involved...... singing the greatest song in the world, tribute and then bringing him a brandy glass full of M&Ms at 2 in the morning. however charlie won this contest, and while delivering the m&ms in his tutu, he couldent stop himself. richard branson no longer owned something that was virgin.

    Meanwhile... a drunken man stumbled his way towards main stage and bumped into Peter Kay who was selling GARLIC BREAD and it was spitting...and coughing having caught a chill because unlike clever campers it hadn't been wearing its long johns. Peter Kay was having a heated conversation with Lily Allen, who was following him towards the main stage, about . . . Lily Allen because that's all Lily Allen ever talks about. Peter Kay deduced from this that they must duel..........

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