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Posts posted by .jay.

  1. ahahahah this is one of the funniest things I have seen on here. I can imagine you red faced and furiously pounding out that reply in your impotent fury.

    Quite hilarious.

  2. Yes, what you put forwards in the first place which got this response was the reason for that response. You're talking ignorant crap.

    You are making the mistake of thinking a free choice to take drugs is no different to being a drug addict. The clue is in the word 'addict', a recognised medical condition.

  3. My 2ps worth, not that anyone gives a f**k.

    I'm sure, convinced that when eminem writes, he's writing in character, in a long established literary tradition, I don't for a moment think he's believing or meaning those things he says. Same as Dylan, same as Springsteen, same as a Bukowski short story, same as Raymond Carver, whoever you want to choose.

  4. Their addiction, by itself, harms no one but themselves.

    There's issues off the back of addiction that harm others, but that's the result of the recognised medical condition called 'addiction'. It's not a freely chosen path.

    The drug trade is no less exploitative than (say) the coffee trade. Have the deep objections you're expressing to drugs stopped you drinking coffee? :P

  5. Eh???? :P:P

    Jay-Z has been pushed on his lyrics many times, and said he's laying out scenes that he doesn't personally agree with. That he's reflecting a certain type of life, not promoting it.

    The only reason I guess you're of the belief that he's not pushed on it is because he's been there and cleared that up a long while ago. The same is not true with Eminem.

  6. But the difference with Jay-Z's lyrics is that he doesn't stand behind those lyrics and say "this is what I think". The same is not true for Eminem.
  7. i argued this exact case in 07 when jay-z played, despite having always been a jay-z fan i thought he would be ruled out due to the lyrical content of some of his work and he wasn't so who knows what could happen?

  8. This is perfectly reasonable - at the end of the day, it's Michael and Emily's festival and their moral judgement is absolute when signing their acts.

    It is also Neil's site and his moral judgement.

    However, that is NOT the same thing as objectively stating that Eminem the man IS misogynistic or homophobic based on the content of his art - in my opinion. If he replicated those views in interview or daily conduct - outside the character - then it's more troublesome.

  9. the thing with townshend for me is the fact they found bugger all else evidence other than that one instance and you are guaranteed they went over everything with a fine tooth comb to try and land a high profile name like his for such a charge.

    what he did was wrong beyond belief as he helped fund child pornography and he claims innocence and naivety but he isn't that naive and i can't for the life of me understand why on earth he did it and there is no excuse and no forgiveness for it in my opinion.

    but i will stop short of actually saying he is a nonce himself, if he were it would have come out when that story broke and the police investigated, yet there was f**k all else to go with it and that is rare in this day and age where the media does it's utmost to take people down in flames and with people out there willing to try their luck and make accusations be they true or false, yet there was f**k all and it's not as if townshend has some kind of clout to shut the media and public up.

  10. i would have to agree with Neil for once.

    regardless of what i or any of you think of him i would imagine his openly and over the top homophobic and misogynistic views and actions (whether or not he actually is either is a homophobe or a misogynist is immaterial as he has based his act upon these things and whether or not it's merely for shock value is not the point) would rule him out in Emily and Michael's eyes it's as simple as that and that is all Neil is trying to say i believe.

  11. thats a great video, there is nothing like a really well produced video. i always underrate how effeective some videos are i.e. i can listen to the song even if i dont like it that much, as I didn' like this song much but the video just makes it. like Spike Jonze's Praise You, or that one where its just someone on a train and everything that goes past fits in with the beat... i cant remember who did that one...
  12. :P

    well that's me chuffed.

    have seen him plenty of times as i live near him, used to do a lot of work for him and an ex of mine is good friends with james BUT i have never seen him perform and can't wait!

    now all i need to do is get a bloody ticket, the inland revenue need to pull their finger out and pay me my rebate ffs!

  13. the guys (well girls) at one of the lock ups saved my bacon last year when my belt snapped and left me having to hold up my shorts due to the fact i had lost a fair bit of weight before going and them being very loose.

    so they're not just there to help look after you goods they also help keep you from flashing your goods at all and sundry!

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