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Posts posted by ambientcoast

  1. Right, so you like Broken Social Scene, but aren't super psyched about Grizzly Bear, Hold Steady, Frightened Rabbit, Field Music, The National and Phoenix?????

    I think you're lying about liking BSS then

  2. At first glance all I see that I fancy is Broken Social Scene, Jamie T, Mumford, Ash - all in the JP tent, and maybe a couple at West Holts.

    Nothing else is really catching my eye, and I've gotta say it - that Pyramid line up is shoite.

    Mind you, it could just be by my frame of mind. Still.

    *grumble, bah, bonkers wife, grumble, bleh, bah, etc*

  3. Coke? Huh? WTF's happened to this thread? Isn't it supposed to be about singles? And dating? And badgers?

    Tell you what though, I'm not entirely sure I understand women enough to even start dating again. Just having a cathartic sweep of my old emails and here's something I wrote last time this all kicked off. Nothing's any bloody clearer! Aaaaargh.

    The Trouble With Women And Directions.

    "Turn left", you told me, and I probably turned right.

    "U-turn here!" So I went straight on at the lights.

    At the roundabout, you wanted me to go all the way round.

    But I likely swore, and yelled that the map was upside down.

    "About ten miles ahead, there'll be a T-junction".

    I didn't hear you clearly. I must have missed that instruction.

    "We're coming up to dual carriageway now", you said.

    But that one, too, just drifted right over my head.

    One time you informed me, "there's a crossroads along here".

    But all that did was confuse the crap out of me.

    Soon after, you told me to watch my speed on this road.

    It just sounded to me like you were speaking in code.

    It's clear to me now that you were giving me directions.

    To you and your heart. But I just couldn't follow them.

    All I did was drive in circles, around and around.

    (And I apologise for yelling that the map was upside down.)

    But I'm listening now. I'm alert, lucid, and awake.

    I know when to speed up. I know when to brake.

    I know when to turn left. When to turn right.

    And now I'm sure I could find my way to your heart blind. And at night.

  4. Is there not a singles meet at Glasonbury? sure there was last year, Lucy was organinizing I think.

    You'll meet lots of women at Glastonbury, there's about 70,000 of them!

  5. I went for the first time in 2008 with my husband and a load of mates. Didn't realise it at the time, but he was 4 months into a long affair and finally left me that December.

    We both went again, with the same mates in 2009 (had already bought tickets, so .... ), but it was a bit odd, especially with him nipping off to phone his 'bird' ...

  6. This time last year, I was spending all my time on this board, getting excited off my nut. This time, I'm really not quite so excited, because of /index.php?&showtopic=138366&mode=show&st=0">this pile of crap that happened to me at the start of the year.

    So... seeing that I'm coming to Glasto on my tod this summer, I could do with cheering up a bit.

    Now, I'm not gonna be especially looking to meet someone new at Glasto - I'll probably either be waay too hammered or waay too miserable and still not in the right frame of mind, heh - but it's a thought that keeps me smiling.

    So, did anyone here meet their current partner at Glasto?

    Tell me your story...

  7. If you want a good fest to take the kids to, Solfest in west Cumbria is a nice family friendly festival with lots of atmosphere, and the right end of the country for you...


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