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Posts posted by austrian_zeppelin

  1. trying to show off to my mates back home all the bands i am looking fwd to in a few weeks, i stumbled upon Band of Joy being rumoured on the A-Z listing.....

    Now this obviously being Robert Plant's latest project, coupled with the rumours from nearly a year ago, basically make me wet my pants. Could it really be that the Golden God makes an appearance after all. they just launched their new album and are playing a few dates in the states later on....

    Does anybody know where the rumour comes from and how credible it is.

    i already can't wait for it to start, but that would be f**king brilliant...make it happen ME.

    lovely weekend to you all.

  2. Led Zeppelin - too young to have seen them in their prime but the O2 gig was just mindblowing. Definitely the best gig ever by the best band ever. Their live shows troughout their short career have no match.

    Neil Young - always delivers, always outstanding whether he is on top form or just an angry canadian

    Guns n Roses supported by Soundgarden & Faith No More back in 1992 - what a day, 3 of my favorite bands in their prime one after the other

    Faithless Roskilde 2001 - epic, 100000 people going mental

    Metallica 1996 Tour - headbangers heaven

    White Stripes - Rivoli Ballroom in front a 400 lucky ones

    Radiohead - simply amazing.

  3. new model army for me then. would have loved to see a proper u2 performance again after their recent highly average tours, but gorillaz just don't do it for me....

  4. he is playing a us tour with the reformed band of joy starting in mid july. so a special guest appearance as a warm up would do no harm.....fingers crossed. would be well p.....d off after he seemed one of the dead certs very early on.

  5. Robert Plant, Pixies, Them Crooked Vultures...especially plant seemed a strong enough rumour and is the one massive disappointment for me from an otherwise brilliant line up. Slash is definitiley a surprise and a great one at that, especially in line of his new me and my mates album. what's the chance of any of them turning up with him....

    faithless will be wicke.....

    can't understand why so many people are disappointed. there are people from every decade, definititely the most diverse line up in a long time....can't wait

  6. its what intrigues me about it.

    they really could get let off the leash. no bells, no whistles. just 4 of the tightest rock and rollers on the planet doing what they do best. playing rock and roll.

    man, it could be epic!

  7. Iron Maiden? Not exactly a new band but they are always releasing new material and still play to massive crowds all around the world and they are incredable live. If people got over their fear of they heavy metal (though they are not as 'heavy' as most people think) image I have no doubt they would go down a storm.

    I'm not really a metal fan and knew next to nothing about them but my brother in law had a spare ticket to see them in Dublin a few years back so I tagged along and I was absolutely blown away. Great live band!!

  8. Oasis has always been and will always be about Noel, his guitar and his songs. Liam is just a chav that rode along because deep down his brother cares for him and this way he was kept out of the dole queue....

    Noel on his own or with a new project, would be ace....Liam can shout Oasis as much as he wants, that band is gone and him on his own is just a waste of space...no talent whatsoever that kid.

  9. last night at the Odeon was awesome. Really great gig, great vibe all around.

    Dave is just so much better as a drummer than as a guitarrist/frontman

    Josh is an ace frontman

    Allen was finally given time to show his highly underestimated skill, his guitar piece was ace

    And JPJ is and always will be (for me anyway) one of THE musical geniuses of our generation. One of the best bass players, an amazing keyboarder, multiinstrumentalist of such a high standard, awesome producer and one of the most underrated arrangers of our time....absolute legend that bloke.

    The reception he got when Josh introduced the band was telling, there are 3 great musicians on stage and then there's a LEGEND...

  10. show them everything APART from the main stages. Yes the Pyramid is special but it's still just another main stage at a festival, which they will see anyway at some point during the week.

    Show them the green fields, stone circle, go to the circus, have a sauna, go to shangri-la, trash city, ride the monorail, ......these are amongst the things that make glasto special....


  11. Right f**k it Zeppelin are playing at Glastonbury, I don't even care if someone else is announced I'm just gonna put my fingers in my ears and pretend I'm not listening.

    Watched "It Might Get Loud" yesterday featuring Page (as well as Jack White and The Edge) and f**k me that man can play, the best rock and roll band of all time.

  12. I have been a Zep Fan since i was 12 and the O2 gig was my first and so far only chance to see them live as a group (I have seen the individual members on numerous occasions)

    Yes Jason isn't as good as his dad, but no drummer is or ever will be. And it was fitting that it was Jason and not Dave Grohl etc.

    The only reason the O2 gig happened was Ahmet Ertegun. As sad as his death was, it made the O2 gig possible. Would he still be around, Zep wouldn't have played, as simple as that.

    I always said that Glasto is one of the few places were a Zep Reunion would make perfect sense. Michael Eavis started Glasto after seeing Zep at the Bath Festival, which was played were international punters now collect their tickets. Zep always had a mystery surrounding them, just like Glasto, so apart from Madison Square Garden, The Forum in Inglewood and Knebworth, Glasto is the one location where i could see another gig happening.

    Yes i was as excited as the next Zep-Fan after Percy's comments about Glasto, but my hopes are as muted as they have been 10 seconds after i digested the thought of him playing there.

    Plant has moved on from Zeppelin from as early as 1982 (yes he still cherishes the memories, plays the odd tune etc.). He did the O2 because Ahmet's wife asked him do it for the old man. If he does indeed appear at Glasto he has so many outlets to choose from that Zep just becomes the least likely option.

    If it happens brilliant, I will probably cocoon myself until the big day, if not i will still look forward seeing whoever Eavis pulls out of the hat and enjoy yet another brilliant Glasto.

    The Pixies would be ace in any case

  13. i saw them about 5 times since the early 90's and ZooTV and Pop were awesome gigs. Recently though their material sucked big time and their latest show at Wembley was well lame.

    Poor sound, poor setlist, too much corporate bollocks (Blackberry branding everywhere) and the supposedly 360 stage was 120 at best (pity those poor sods sitting to the side or at the back).

    IF and that's a big if they cut the crap and put together a setlist worthy of the occasion it could turn out to be one of those memorable glasto gigs...however if they rock up, and play their current show it's gonna be dreadful.

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