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Status Updates posted by amy246

  1. sexy christmas nails *^_^*

  2. is rather bored and lonely :(

  3. needs to decide what fancy dress to wear to work tomorrow - too mnay choices! Angel, Mrs Claus, Fairy or something completely different?

  4. think she may have decided on what to wear tomorrow! It involves pink, sparkles and glitter! *^_^*

  5. had a fun day at work being a christmas fairy! :D

  6. wishes all her friends and family a very merry christmas! hope everyone gets lots of lovely pressies! :D

  7. hopes everyone has an ace christmas! :D

  8. is pondering what to do today

  9. is sat watching Joseph remembering the good old Reigate days! Almost remembered all the colours in order!

  10. needs plans for NYE, anyone got ideas of places to go and things to do?

  11. fish and chips and listening to the match!

  12. feels like she hasn't slept a wink last night, and i'm on a double shift, and if today is anything like yesterday i'll be a zombie by 8pm!

  13. oh dear! how come my radiator is the one that decides to leak when being replaced by a new one!

  14. is cold and bored - what a great way to end the year :-S

  15. Happy New Year everyone! :D

  16. this house has descended into utter chaos! :-/

  17. why is choosing a new mattress so confusing - there's so many options!

  18. gave up her jigsaw after sheer frustration at pieces that won't fit!

  19. why is everyone whinging about going back to work and school, i've only had a couple of days off (rather than a week or two) and i survived!

  20. is trying to tidy her room before redecorating whilst listening to All Time Low :)

  21. my new slippers make me feel like i'm walking on marshmallows! :D

  22. has decided that she has let too many friendships almost slide away, and is gonna start making more of an effort to keep in touch with people, so if i haven't spoken to you in months, or years, expect a friendly message soon!

  23. wishes she could go back to bed, but now has to wait until next week for a proper lie-in :(

  24. has felt a bit out of it for the past couple of days, like being in a dream, everything is daze, but i want to wake up and get in the real world

  25. doesn't it suck when you see that you have a new message but then realise it's not from the person you want it to be from

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