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Posts posted by amy246

  1. To all those looking for Olympic accomodation around London, i finally got mine sorted tonight, Best Western hotels had a triple room (3 singles) for £75 a night! Slightly out of central London (ours is in Harrow but seeing as we're going to Wembley it's not a million miles away). All seem to have good guest ratings and are 3 stars. Seemed like a rather good bargain! :D

  2. Saw her at V 2008 when she was going downhill fast, arrived late, slurred her lyrics and barely sang however she did have a talent and a lot of fans, just wish she never got drawn into the drink and drugs.

  3. My phone is due an upgrade so was wondering whether you guys and girls on here still all seem to have Desires or has anyone got any new phones that are worth knowing about. Haven't had a smart phone before, my current one is a Samsung S5200 (just cos it looks pretty in pink) but thinking i should get a bit more with it! :)

  4. My leg & foot. Went through a walk in some woods yesterday, happened to be bear-legged, my fella happened to stand to a big branch on the floor which snapped and kinda hit/scratched the back of my leg and foot. So now the back to my leg looks like it's been mauled by an angry cat and it's really sore!

  5. Need second date ideas! I've arranged to see this girl I went out with last week on Saturday, and I was going to say a walk round the silent pool (a pond by newlands corner in Surrey) and then go to see Insidious at the cinema (she likes horror films), but the film's not on after tomorrow, and there's nothing else on worth watching (not that Insidious is supposed to be brilliant!) so now I'm stuck for the second part, all I know is a meal isn't an option. Help!

    Try something like bowling, quasar, etc - i know it may be a bit 'teen' however it's activity you can do together, plus unlike the cinema you can talk and get to know each other better. :)

  6. I'll come in with a different perspective, i work in a children's soft play centre doing kids parties for a living lol! You have to be friendly and chirpy without annoyingly doing so or acting patronising to the kids. Always run though the ideas/running plan with the organiser/adult just in case they want anything changed. Be prepared for all eventualities and be able to think on your feet if things don't go to plan. With food and drink check for allergies/intollerances/fussy eaters/health freak parents and have possible alternatives (our party prize for musical bumps/statues is usually smarties however the other week a dairy intollerant kid won so i had to find some jelly tots). Have you got music for games/general dancing, some people think chart stuff is ok but esp with little ones it would be best getting pop party jr or similar (unless you have cool pirate music!) Bear in mind some kids will refuse to dance/take part in party games, try persuasion but half the time they just don't want to do it. Also depending on the age when doing party games and kids get 'out' there may be tears and sulking, handy to have parents nearby if this is the case. Thin that's it for now, but if you have any questions feel free to ask lol! :)

  7. Went to see Thor last night - thoroughly entertaining film - the comedy moments were spot on and for the first time in possibly ever in a superhero movie - I actually bought the love story between the girl and the hero. Loki is such a good villain too I reckon we'll be seeing more of that actor in the years to come. The costumes were also utterly brilliant - and The Destroyer is up there with ED209 in the "coolest death-bot of all time" stakes. The casting for the Marvel films has been uncanny too. f**k Megatron!

    I suppose Stargate is probably influenced a lot by Thor, as Thor comics have been around for ages.

    Oh and, like all marvel films - remember to stay until the very end of the credits ;)

  8. Well i got paid time and three quarters for being at work, supervisor decided to close the doors for about 15mins so we could all watch a bit of the ceremony together, made lots of crowns with the kids (very fun, very messy, pretty quiet day, liked the dress then we kept the TV on at work and watched Shrek :D

  9. I've applied for mid-competition gymnastics (artistic) and women's hockey as i used to do gymnastics (plus it's one of those sports where you can watch and be all 'wow') and my mum used to play hockey when she was younger. Put myself down for 4 tickets for each but really don't know who will be able/want to come if i do get the tickets.

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