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Posts posted by ButtonMoon

  1. I'd be wary of small rucksacks as a)things can get nicked out of them without you being aware of it and b)you will piss people off who are behind you/when you turn around. I'll be taking the same fake leather silver shoulder bag that somehow survived last year (the worst of the mud got removed with baby wipes every night), the most important thing about it being that it's waterproof - nothing worse than soggy toilet roll - and I really wouldn't recommend leather because of this.
  2. Ladies, don't forget to pack a scarf, of sorts. I've never been to Glastonbury but have about 17yrs camping behind me and the evenings get bloody cold! Wearing a scarf makes all the difference. You don't need to pack your huge winter warmer, I've got a large cotton one (from Primark I think?) which does the job perfectly, without getting too hot and sweaty as you would with a woolly one.

    These are also quite cool, for festivals anyway <_<


  3. My prob is sorting it out with jeans on. It takes an age to get it in the right place, without showing my arse to the world!!! :O

    Thought I'd 'cracked' it aswell, then had my first accident yesterday. Was happily standing there, weeing and then realised that nothing was coming out <_< Luckily I'd gotten into the habit of placing a bundle of tissue just at the bag of the whiz so this kind of saved me!! And I was at home, which made it all a lot easier.

  4. Thanks for the advice - i reckon wellies are the way forward for me whatever the weather and flipflops for round the tent! Feel a bit better now decision has been made.

    Gonna start worrying about a bag now :O

    Dont' know why I'm worrying so much though, just dont' want to pack the wrong stuff and it spoil things - got that weird really excited but a bit scared tummy thing going on - I quite like it :lol:

  5. This is my first time at Glastonbury too and I'm struggling with the shoe thing.

    Really dont' have the legs for skirts with trainers or anything so was planning to wear wellies whatever the weather - do you think I'll survive or might my feet melt in the scorching sun we're gonna have?

    Anyone done this before in good weather?

  6. This is my 1st festival, so im very excited, but im picking up hints and tips from here, and like a few of the girls on here im a wash a hair everyday girl, so on the tuesday i have an appointment for the hairdressers coz in my opinion getting your hair washed from the hair dressers lasts loads longer than if i was to do it myself, also i have a question earlier on in this thread there was a mention of a festival dress? anyone any pics of what this would be?
  7. Whatever floats your boat my dear. I'm a tom boy anyway, and live in jeans and t-shirts. I'm also a bit chunky so not too comfortable with the whole leggings/skirts/shorts thing ... t'is just the way I am.

    I'm sure shorts etc.. are a great idea as it will either be hot, or you can wear them with your wellies (legs are easy to clean ...).

    And yes it is VERY exciting!!! :lol:

  8. Right. Do you think that shorts, quarter length trousers and leggings will be enough (I will be taking tops toof of course!!) I was thinking about jeans - for the evening if it's not wet (which it won't be). Just trying to decided whether to get any more thin trousers.....

    Oooh it's exciting isn't it!!!?

  9. I use my husband's head shaver. Number 1 all over. You don't get the itching as it grows back, completely painless and say adios to the 'oven ready chicken look'.

    Hope he's not reading this :P Guards his razor with his life in case I want to do my legs. He has no idea :lol:

  10. I'm wearing my walking boots there, as they're the heaviest and will be packing my converse and a pair of flip flops.

    As for the bucket above, I've got one of these http://www.cmmonline.co.uk/items/default.asp?id=10400335. Again, picked it up from the local Army shop for a fiver.

    It folds down to nothing, and will be dead handy if I have to give in and wash my hair (my hair is huge, long and very curly and feels like shit if I can't wash it every day) or soak my hot dusty feet :D

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