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Posts posted by Acquiesce.

  1. managed to jump into (peteneon) acquiesce's game last night for a couple of rounds, took him down real quick in the first game, and got a little cocky at my prowess - until the next round when he returned the favour!

    can I suggest "mercenary team deathmatch" next time pete? at least you dont get clans/organised teams in there!

  2. I cant now mate, I'm off to bed, you'd think they would get this kinda thing right before they launched the bastard!

    I havent been able to join a single invite all day. anyway, racked up 14 hours now, and am at rank 32. Loving It.

  3. s'funny, but the tutorial level on all of the cod games tells me to play on recruit, and I have done cod2 completely on vet, cod4 90% on vet, waw 90% on vet, and this completely on hardened and cant be arsed playing it again on vet. I really didnt rate the SP here.
  4. Fear not fellow PS3 trophy gatherers, it seems the patch thats out just now blocks trophies for people playing pre-release date, there should be another patch out soon that will unlock them yaaay!

    Just means I'll have to go play through single player again OH NO ROOTIN TOOTIN GOSH DARN IT (:P)

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