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Posts posted by zillah

  1. how on earth can you remember what happened at which glastonbury? They all merge into one in my head! Thanks for the good read, this thread is Britishness at its peak, lolz a plenty! see you there in FIVE DAYS! xxx

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  2. 6 hours ago, glasto-worker said:


    if you look at the 1979 map you will see a red dot and that was a camping field where you could park your car - in fact most of the site you could park and camp ' although you had to think about when you wanted to leave.

    I am not sure when ' they imposed the one way exit system ' so more important to camp near the back Exit {East side} went into a tiny Country lane ' and if it was wet there was a river crossing the path of the lane !!!

    so the first few years { when it was a 3 day event } we would park near the red dot and as it got more busy it made sense parking near east side exit.

    There was no real markings where you could camp so the trick was to park two  cars ' next to the exit track ' but with a good gap so there was room to manoeuvre them out - if you only had one car ' you could be buggered if the car either side of you the drivers were out of it ' 

    Clearly as it got bigger it made more sense to separate the cars from the tents but by then I was working at the festival so have no idea which year
    the rule was imposed to force people to use a car park.

    Its a shame they blocked off the original entry lane - its still there { I know because I used that lane to visit in the Winter - very odd seeing the pyramid field covered in snow }

    No way did I think that I would still be going 43 years later 

    the photos { not sure the year as they are paper photographs so no date stamp on them }

    sometime before I snuff it - I will start printing some 35mm negatives - I have many thousands and its a major project to sort though them all - most are from 1979 to 1987 as I had more time to take photos during that period but they cover every year it was on.

    Hope you find more hand typed notes { they were very interesting }



    Oh wow, LOVE those photos!! Yes that is exactly how I remember it, I remember being camped/parked next to a row of trees like that, near the pyramid. I am getting my mum to have a look and see if she can spot our camp. The pyramid stage looks so cute, I have a very bad quality photo I will post... I don't have any more typed newsletters, but I do have some old newspaper clippings my nan had kept.



  3. 6 hours ago, glasto-worker said:

    very interesting - I suspect your previous post was also from 1971

    it does mention Tuesday 23rd - easy to get the date wrong I think they meant Tuesday 22nd June 1971 { that year it was over the Summer Solstice and was known as  “Glastonbury Fayre”.} We know the first one was Saturday 19th of September 1970

    Not Living Local - I had not a clue about any of these events and even in 1979 I only knew because a friends band was asked to play and I got roped in as I could drive.

    Compare the two maps - but in 1979 a weekend ticket was £5 but it was a 3 day event.

    All we had was a rough drawing of where it was - Pilton did not appear on a 
    AA Car map at the time but we were told 'its near Shepton Mallet'

    There was a VW Camper and my little mini 

    but the big turning point was in 1981 when he got CND involved as they were selling tickets from CND shops { all over the UK } but the price did leap up to £8 for a weekend ticket.

    I have never experienced trying to buy a Glasto ticket via the Internet - just dived into the local CND office and was out the door within seconds. 


    goodness me that map is cute! I think you are right about the year on my map being 1971, I think actually my mum and her mum went to the second one, not the first. So much history from those fields. I do remember the notice boards! and the queues to use the phone boxes. I also have a memory of being able to park next to your tent in the 80's? does anyone else remember that? or maybe that was a different festie! 

  4. Ahh so pleased you enjoyed reading it, and thanks for typing it out @paulshane! It is brilliantly written isn't it, you can imagine them sitting there in the sun on their typewriter, stream of consciousness pouring out. Funny how so much of it is still apt today - use water sparingly/ too many cars/ litter picking... my fave bits are: The Hassle Thrasher! Wear a hat made of happy thoughts, 'it ends like a circle ends'. 🥰 I have some more bits I can post, will dig them out... 

    End of bulletin.

    The beginning of the world.

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  5. Hello beautiful people. I thought you might like to read this newsletter from one of the first glastonbury festivals -around 1970. I found it in my grandmother's belongings when she died. She went with my mum to the first few, and my mum took me when I was a kid, and I have been to most of them since then, so it has a very special place in my heart. I just got tickets in the resale (Yay!) See you in the sunny fields, peace and love man! ☮️xxx


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