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Posts posted by inspectedinspector

  1. Deftones - Back to School & Surprise! Your Dead! - FNM

    oh and Budweiser, I did yell your name out in the pit, but it was a much bigger pit than expected and well I needed to reserve some energy to prevent myself from dying in the next song they played, plus there was loads of dust in my mouth.. nasty stuff!

  2. Reading.

    Friday - I was working until 4 so missed a few bands I wanted to check out, but nothing major.

    Deftones - 9/10 kicked some ass, the moshpit was mental, however needed much more time. They were on fire the night before in London just to add :)

    Placebo - 5/10 ultimate meh. Way too much new stuff.

    Faith No More - 9/10 I'm really glad they were in the tent, I thought it worked well, great banter only thing I would have asked for would be a few more songs I knew..

    Black Lips - 5/10 - I was expecting a highly energetic show and a big party... apparently not.

    Soulsavers - 8/10 - really good, completly suited my mood at the time.


    The Prodigy - 8/10 - really good, by the sounds of it I was in a perfect position, good enough to feel the atmosphere, but not bad enough to be crushed

    Ian Brown - 8/10 - I wasn't planning to see him at all and don't know his stuff very well, but I really enjoyed sitting back in the sun to him and his band.

    Eagles of Death Metal - 5/10 - not really a fan

    Fightstar - 4/10 - I have no idea why I saw them... possibly drunk

    Glasvegas - 9/10 - thought they were brilliant and genuinely thankful to fans for getting them there

    Them Crooked Vultures - 5/10 I know people aren't going to like me saying this, but I felt a very similar feeling to RHCP in 2007, bored, it should have been sooo much better for who they were. most dissapointing thing those guys have ever done imo.

    Dinasour Pileup - 8/10 - I only saw 2 songs, wish I woke up eralier :huh:

    Rise Against - 8/10 - had to leave early, but thought they started strong

    Polar Bear Club - 7/10 - decent enough

    Our Fold - 9/10 - Brilliant, I hope they breakthrough


    Radiohead - 9/10 - solid stuff, I was just too knackered, plus some people in crowds really need to learn how to sing!

    Bloc Party - 9/10, best time I've seen them out of 4, good setlist!

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs - 9/10, to be perfectly honest I was quite drunk at this point but remembered having a good time :lol:

    Brand New - 4/10 I'm a big fan and just wasn't entertained :) Plus that Gasoline song is gash!

    The Living End - 7/10 good, but not as good as the lock up 2 years ago

    Noah and the Whale - 7/10, wasn't planning to see these but it was good to sit down to

    Frank Turner - 8/10 - since when has he had 50,000 fans?!?!? I was so shocked at this! It was okay I guess I think I was in shock... and still am

    The Crystal Method - 8/10, just sat outside the tent eating lettuce and sounded brilliant ;)

    The XX - 7/10 good enough

    I've been to Reading 3 times now and this was the time I've enjoyed it most, even though no bands were amazing for me, I think it was probably the company :(

  3. I thought they were good at Reading, but admittedly I've never seen them before. I was in a perfect area for them too, in front of the screen on the right about 20ish people back, room for dancing. :) ..

    however I saw lots of people coming out with various injuries and the start of my shift as a CAT working from midnight till 8am involved checking up on lets of people who took blows to the head who were worrying if they had concusion... :huh:

  4. Just wondering if anyone has taken a liking to any of the bands on the BBC Introducing stage after a bit of a listen?

    I hope to check out the following (clashes pending);

    # Punch & the Apostles - sound really fun and bare random, I'd imagine they'd be great if I was drunk, however less likely to remember to see them...


    # To the Bones - they really caught my ear and seem like they could be going places, recieving good reviews from all the big mags. Remind me of Biffy :D


    # Wonderswan - sound alright, I think a few of you lot on here would like them if you don't know them For fans of Dinasour Jr. Sonic Youth, Pavement and the likes.


    # Screaming Lights - good stuff, I can see them becoming quite big, I really like the vocals.


    # The Old Romantic Killer Band - sound quite raw and dirty, hopefully check them out


    # Frontiers - they sound brilliant, deffinetly not missing them! 'Soaring, yet subtle, widescreen pop on a par with Elbow or Sigur Ros - a winning formula' - thiscitymagazine.co.uk 'In Pursuit balances somewhere between Joy Division at their most charming and The Cure... a really, really good tune that sticks with you for days after' - Sandman Magazine I think those quotes sum them up pretty well


    That's my two cents, lets hear yours :)

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