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Posts posted by Ladybug-nina

  1. I'm a girl :wub:

    Anyway, my top tip for girls would be to take leggings or tights. You can pop them on under skirts or shorts and they keep your legs warm when it gets chilly in the evening, they stop you getting wellyrub on your legs, plus they dry really quickly if they get muddy or wet, and they only cost about £1 from Primark.

    Also, take less clothes than you think you'll need, except socks - take loads!

  2. A good idea if you're taking a digital camera (or a phone camera I suppose) is to write your address/email/phone number down and take a photo of it. Have it as the first photo that comes up on the camera display when you turn it on. That way a kind soul who finds it in the mud can get in touch and you won't lose all those precious memories :D
  3. I am not sure, this is my second festival with it though so that works out £6 per year....... Just over £1 per day that I am at the festival............ for not falling in the poo it, I think its worth it!

  4. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa! Great. Got a great (but not in a weird way) mental image then! Yeah my sister and me plucked up the courage to go and use the she-pee - which took a lot for us - and when we got there it was closed! This was at about 7pm. Thought that was a bit naff as the guys urinal thingys were open until really late :lol:
  5. Don't suppose you have a link to wear I could by such purple whizz? There's nothing worse than getting into your tent completely splamo'd, spending about half an hour taking your clothes off as you keep falling over, getting all snuggled in your sleeping bag and then needing a wee!!! Arghhhh, nightmare. I want a she-pee whizz thingy :)
  6. Morning!

    I brought the purple Whizz for last years Glasto and I have to say that it was fab! Its make of a thin rubber so you can squash it up so it its into your bag and then it just pings open again when you need it.

    Best points of the whizz ...

    1. Not having to sit near any manky loo's.

    2.Needing to wee in the night and being able to do it in a bottle!

    3.Its very clean

    4.When not at the festival you can walk in when your husband is in the bath and freak the hell out of him by standing there doing a wee!

    5. you can write in the snow like men do!!!!!

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