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Posts posted by man_d

  1. Hello chaps

    There's a Robin Pecknold live set for download here, containing new songs if anyone's interested :P


    Setlist -

    Katie Cruel (trad)

    False Knight on the Road (trad)

    Silver Dagger (trad)

    He Doesn’t Know Why

    Oliver James

    Two Headed Boy (Neutral Milk Hotel)

    Albatross (Fleetwood Mac)

    Oh Sister (Bob Dylan)

    Early In the Morning (B.B. King)

    The Book of Love (the Magnetic Fields)

    Icicle Tusk


    Tiger Mountain Peasant Song

    Blue Spotted Tail

    Dreams (Fleetwood Mac)

  2. There's so many bands I want to see at this there's bound to be clashes!

    I thought Glastonbury had the best line up this year, but looking at it there's actually more bands at EOTR I want to see than at Glasto.

    Who are you looking forward to the most?

  3. Hi, a few of us (mostly fellow latitudiners who met through a Billy No Mates Camp, now renamed Billy Loadsa Mates) went last year and we welcomed allcomers, solo and otherwise. We had a fantastic time.

    We will all be returning this year, plus at least a couple more. Anyone welcome!!!!!

  4. Sold! Thanks for the encouragement chaps, I can't wait for this!

    It is a shame about Papercuts, but Blitzen Trapper and The Dodos, Shearwater, Loney Dear not to mention Fleet Foxes!

    This line up is better than Glastonbury as far as I'm concerned :lol:

  5. Hello chaps

    I have to go to this festival, it has a dream line up for me.

    Annoyingly though, chances are I'll be going on my own.

    Has anyone else been to this on their own, if so, what's it like?

    Help / comments / suggestions appreciated!


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