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Posts posted by monxton

  1. Anyone else get charged extra by Royal Mail to receive their WOMAD tickets? Seems they were sent with inadequate postage. I had to pay £2.05 (£1.05 plus a £1 admin fee) before they would release them.

  2. Nobody would say that Larmer Tree doesn`t hold the most special of places in our hearts... but I think the pricing of the tickets is becoming ridiculous. Somebody,somewhere is taking the piss.

    Without a Festival Forum to voice any opinion the xenophobic nature LT seems to be travelling down is beginning to leave a sickly taste in our mouths.

  3. Being a quaffer of real ale as opposed to cider and fizzy lager,I was wondering what the situation is regarding tha availability of "proper beer"on site.

    What is the price of the beer and stuff averaging out at? Is it silly money like other festies and does it involve bloody tokens??

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