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Posts posted by JPixie

  1. 40 minutes ago, JPixie said:

    Here are all the ones from 2002 - 2017. I don't remember having a wristband in 1999 and 2000, and in the photos I've found online people don't seem to be wearing them.

    Had 2002 and 2004 in the wrong order before, here's a corrected one. The 3 earliest look a bit weird now as they're currently sewn onto my wallet!

    Glastonbury Wristbands - with dates - corrected.png

  2. Here are all the ones from 2002 - 2017. I don't remember having a wristband in 1999 and 2000, and in the photos I've found online people don't seem to be wearing them.

    Edit: Think I might have 2002 and 2004 mixed up, hang on...

    Glastonbury Wristbands - with dates.JPG

  3. This is bit of a long shot. I'm looking to buy/swap a medium green Field of Avalon 2017 t-shirt. I bought the small sized one and foolishly didn't try it on until much later. Turns out it's a bit tight :)

    I've tried contacting the organisers to see if there are any left but no reply yet. Does anyone have a medium one (preferably green/grey) they'd like to sell, or would you like to swap a medium for a small?!

    I had a lovely Sunday night in Avalon this year and the t-shirt makes a great souvenir, just wish I'd bought a slightly larger one!

  4. rawrsomesauce's post reminded me of another one from our walk back to the car for the 2nd trip on Wednesday.

    Enthusiastic guy to his mate dragging a trolley through the mud: Don't worry, we'll get you a motorised one for next year!

    Grumpy mate: I'm not coming next year.

    Made us laugh. Hopefully he changed his mind before the day was out.

  5. Waiting to cross into Silver Hayes when some vehicle was passing and one of the crowd decided to start directing the traffic himself. The female steward said something like "Oi, I'm the one with the fucking whistle", and someone else said "It's Adele!"

  6. I had my mobile message alert on silent and the email went straight into my Spam folder, so didn't find out until hours later. Looks like I really needed a test run! All sorted now for the real thing.

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