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Everything posted by naivetyplay

  1. Interesting. If that's correct, it somewhat throws the on the hour/half hour theory out of the window and also suggests there are very slim pickings in terms of returns 😔
  2. Yeah, I saw the same. No Glasto.
  3. Does anybody else have heart palpitations when the "Reserving..." button hangs for a few seconds?! Eek!
  4. Indeed! Good point on the other festivals too. Like you say, it's a marathon not a sprint! At some point you'd think (hope) anybody outside of the hardcore here will start making other plans and therefore stop trying, if indeed they are at all. I'm ready to get one on the Monday night before Glasto if needs be!
  5. As somebody mentioned previously, it could just be that the person who uploads the returns is off. Perhaps we won't see any for a while, although I seriously hope we do for our own sanity! Patience is not my best quality!
  6. It's varied for me. Some days it times out, other days it doesn't. I have had to re-amend the script a few times though - it just refreshes with the disabled bit repopulated randomly.
  7. Yeah, been checking on the half hour since 8 but nothing at 8, 8:30, 9, 9:30 or 10. Might just be one of those days!
  8. The irony of the fact that the coach tickets are supposed to be a way of reducing the carbon footprint of those travelling to the festival, but are regularly bought by people who then have to travel huge distances to get to that coach can’t be lost on the festival organisations, surely?
  9. Out of interest, does anybody know why the secret resales stopped post 2016? Was there ever any inside knowledge as to what changed? Guessing the festival just got better at pre-accounting for returns up to the final May deadline, but it’s always intrigued me as to what kinds of numbers were sold in those resales. I know that personally I sorted at least 2 tickets every year for friends between 2013 and 2016 via that method.
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